Brainwave Scans Show Profound Results in Intention Experiment

Brainwave Scans Show Profound Results in Intention Experiment

Just how powerful are our thoughts? Renowned researcher, Lynne McTaggart’s work shows that the power of setting intention to heal is limitless, especially when done with others.

McTaggart has been at the forefront of researching and facilitating group intention-setting for decades. Her large-scale, global intention experiments have shown the dramatic power of thoughts to affect reality and promote healing.

Since 2008, the same effect has been seen in her Power of Eight groups, in which people send and receive healing intentions.

“Working like this in a group, whether they’re a sender or receiver, can have pretty much every aspect of their life healed,” McTaggart said. “So we’ve had extraordinary healings, everything from people getting up out of their wheelchair, to reversing stage 4 cancer, to healing life-threatening sepsis. We’ve also had people fall in love; we’ve had people where they’ve needed hundreds of thousands of dollars receive that; people who needed $2,000 dollars receive that; we’ve had people get new careers, exciting careers.”

Vietnam veteran Wes Chapman is one of the thousands of people who have experienced profound healing in a Power of Eight group. Having suffered from major depression for many years following his service, Chapman had virtually given up on life when he came across one of McTaggart’s workshops and took part in a group healing.

“I felt the energy running through our hands, I felt the vibrations in the room change, I felt a very special atmosphere was being created. The next morning when I woke up, it was an amazing thing. The first thing I felt was this energy, it was like the wheels are moving, I can do what I need to do, and do it happily,” Chapman said. 

“When I went to bed that night, now this is the second night after the experience, I woke up in the morning with a clear memory of the most lucid dream, is what a rational person would call it — I call it a vision. I found myself back on the campus that I was at when I was drafted. My 19-year-old self was waiting for me, and I felt the most powerful emotions of love, connection, and joy. All of his high hopes, all of his beautiful dreams, all of his optimism, all of his youthful energy, it was like ‘Wow!’ somehow I left all that behind. Now with my experience, wisdom, strength, and toughness, and his optimism, hope, and joy, it was like, hey, I get to start life all over again at 65. I’ve done a lot of work over the years, but this was the most phenomenal, the most powerful, and the most direct,” he said.

Just what accounts for these significant effects?

“It’s an amazing, extraordinary, transformational effect of groups. It’s kind of a collective effervescence. There’s also an extraordinary thing about oneness that we don’t get to experience, and I think this is the secret sauce of group intention, this. When we’ve done brainwave studies — I’ve worked with neuroscientists — we did a series of brainwave studies on novice people, people who had never done this before, were put into Power of Eight groups,” McTaggart said. 

“We put an EEG cap on a member of the group who was doing the sending, and we found in every instance there were similar brainwave signatures that looked nothing like meditation but looked everything, almost identical to the same kinds of studies looking at Sufi masters during chanting or Buddhist monks during ecstatic prayer. These are people where the parts of the brain that make us feel separate (are) all dialed way down. So, these are people like Buddhist monks in an ecstatic state of oneness. It is my belief that that altered state that occurs in just 10 minutes with a group intention is responsible because we get to experience what it is to live in the field. We finally get to feel that and not feel our own separation, and that I believe is the healer,” she said.

McTaggart continues to offer the opportunity for people to experience this healing as part of her ongoing workshops and intention experiments. She has a firm conviction that it has never been more necessary to do this kind of work.

“We’ve all been so isolated, and the science shows us that one of the most important things we need is not even food, as much as community,” McTaggart said. “Most of the groups that I lead are all virtual and yet these have become their new family. And I feel that these small groups not only can heal each other but start healing their communities, creating new communities, because small groups are the way every kind of change in our human history has been made. These Power of Eight groups can be little crucibles of change — the change we need, the healing we need, and the connection we desperately need right now.”

The Pineal Gland’s Spiritual Connection With the Third Eye Chakra

The Pineal Gland’s Spiritual Connection With the Third Eye Chakra

The third eye is our greatest gift to connect us to source and remind us of a universe much more mystical than we can perceive with our physical senses. It’s through the awakening of the third eye and its corresponding pineal gland that we’re able to attain supernatural feats of telepathy, psychic vision, and an intimate connection with God.

Rare is a conversation on higher consciousness without a mention of the pineal gland. Its prevalence is more than a fad; it’s an imperative first step to attaining our full human potential.

What is the Pineal Gland?

The pineal gland, often referred to as the “third eye” in Eastern esoteric religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism), is a pea-sized endocrine gland located deep in the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres. In Western medicine, it is an organ primarily recognized for its role in regulating the body’s circadian rhythms and melatonin production, which helps regulate sleep-wake cycles. The pineal gland also plays a part in the body’s response to light and darkness, influencing mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. While it holds significant physiological importance, some spiritual practices also attribute metaphysical qualities to the pineal gland, linking it to intuition, perception, and spiritual enlightenment.

The Pineal Gland and Third Eye Chakra

The chakra system is the way the spirit moves within the physical body—how the spirit animates form. The chakras can be imagined as wheels of energy to remain balanced and open for optimal human function. If stagnation appears within the chakra system, the physical body will be affected by unease, depression, and even illness.

Chakras are energy centers, whereas organs have defined locations. The chakras are ruled by the organs but are not confined to a specific location. The heart chakra, for instance, is in the center of the chest, while the physical heart is on the left side. Similarly, the third eye chakra is located in the center of the forehead near the pineal gland.

The pineal gland is known as the third eye chakra or ajna chakra in the Hindu system. A closed ajna (i.e. mind) is said to lead to confusion, uncertainty, cynicism, and pessimism.

Every esoteric tradition heralded the third eye as our connection to spirit. It’s the space between humans and God, moving us from the isolation experienced in the human condition—through an open and vibrant third eye, we find our highest source of ethereal energy. A return path to God is offered when one works to expand third-eye awareness.

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