Vani Hari Uncovers the Truth About the Food Industry

Vani Hari Uncovers the Truth About the Food Industry

TRANSCENDENCE – Live Life Beyond the Ordinary, an FMTV original 5-part docu-series, is all about learning from the personal experiences of those who have been in the darkest trenches, healed from trauma, and recovered from great adversity, to lead us in finding our true potential. Food activist Vani Hari shares her powerful story of doing exactly that. In Episode 1, titled What’s In Our Food?’, Vani shares how a lack of education lead her to illness after illness, and in that feeling of defeat, she finally found her passion to fight.

Vani Hari grew up with two Indian immigrant parents. Being new to America, they naturally trusted the American food system and fully immersed themselves into the culture by taking on the standard American diet; McDonald’s, Wendy’s, whatever they wanted to eat, they did.

These eating habits, mostly caused by a lack of nutrition education, lead to a plethora of different health issues for Vani – asthma, eczema, endometriosis, appendicitis, & allergies – resulting in a life lived in and out of the hospital.

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Discouraged and feeling like her body was letting her down, she finally had the passion and drive she needed to really take back control of her health, leading her to question all that she knew about food.

Comparing the standard diet to a healthy diet, her mind was blown, realizing that the majority of the food she had been eating was in fact, not food but heavily processed, dead food created in a laboratory. She quickly changed her diet and eating habits, turning her life, and ultimately her health, around. 

This great change became the catalyst for her to begin a journey of justice in the food industry. Through her blog Food Babe, Vani investigates what really goes into our food and holds big corporations accountable. From food dyes known to cause ADHD, to sports drinks chock full of sugar, she’s tackling the monster that the money-hungry food industry has become, one product at a time. Lack of education is what leads to a life of sickness for her, but she is doing all she can to make sure that doesn’t happen to anyone else. It’s time we all start asking, what’s really in our food?

You can hear all of Vani’s story, along with many other inspiring experts, including Novak Djokovic, Jon Gabriel, Dr. Libby Weaver, Marie Forleo, Vishen Lakhiani, Bruce Lipton, Dr. Mark Hyman, and more in TRANSCENDENCE

Secrets of the Food Industry

What Your Food Cravings Really Mean

What Your Food Cravings Really Mean

Ever had a craving you just can’t shake? Is there only one particular food that can always pull you out of an emotional rut? Have you ever wondered where the phrase “Eat your feelings” even comes from?

Of course you have! You’re only human! Most people accept food cravings as a normal part of everyday life without really ever asking “why?” No two bodies are the same, and therefore no two reasons behind a specific food craving are the same. While some may be rooted in nutritional deficits – others may be a deeper signal from our Spirit echoing throughout our bodies.

Your mind, body, and Spirit communicate through an intricate language, which isn’t always easy to decipher. However, with a little effort, you can translate these signals and create the harmony needed for improved health.

For most, we’ve been taught to “overcome” our bodily cues. For example, when a person has a headache, they’re taught to reach for the Advil bottle rather than lying down and drinking lots of water. However, no matter how much you resent, ignore, or overlook your bodily cues – they’re not going to go away.

When looking at food cravings specifically, emotions are one of the most common causes of overeating. Our cravings tend to manifest themselves when we’re feeling vulnerable. Rather than expressing our emotions, we tend to stuff them down with “comfort foods” that give our bodies a false sense of fulfillment. After a while, your body learns this routine and sends cravings in order to create a short-term boost of chemical components. By deciphering the real meaning of your cravings, you can get insight as to what’s truly gnawing at you from within.

Having some knowledge about what our cravings can mean, may help us to reduce unhealthy habits and poor food choices. The following are the three most commonly craved food flavors, and a starting point for you to decrypt what your mind, body, and Spirit are really trying to tell you.

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