How to Remember Past Lives? A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Remember Past Lives? A Step-by-Step Guide

Simply defined, reincarnation is “the religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal, or spiritual, depending on the moral quality of the previous life’s actions.” This doctrine is a central tenet of the Indian religions.

It is also a common belief of various ancient and modern religions such as Spiritism, Theosophy, and Eckankar, and is found in many tribal societies around the world, in places such as Siberia, West Africa, North America, and Australia. If this is true, there is an untold amount of knowledge a person could possess, if only she, or he, could recollect what happened in the years past.

So, is there such a thing as reincarnation? There are many signs that point to this possibility. They could be an affinity for foreign culture, inexplicable pains that have your doctors stumped, or strange birthmarks. However, these signs could be explained away by medical, psychological, or societal experts. Having them in your present life does not necessarily mean that they can be attributed to a past life, but the idea that we all have lived before and will live again is captivating.

10 Steps to Access Past Life Memories

What exactly could you remember or learn? You’ll never know until you try this process to remember. You may be amazed at what you can find.

1. Prep the Room

Make yourself comfortable. Set the temperature at your perfect warmth or coolness. Adjust the curtains so they aren’t too bright. Silence any pesky noise-makers, like the TV, radio, or a cell phone. If you have a noise generator, turn it on to a peaceful setting, just loud enough to cover up outside noise but not so loud that you will be distracted. A white noise setting is optimal, but something calming, like the sounds of the beach works well.

2. Relax Your Mind

It’s time to find a place of inner calm. Sit comfortably in the room you’ve so carefully prepared. The best time to do this is when you are alert, yet your mind and body are calm. Make sure you aren’t hungry or easily distracted to ensure that you can focus on anything but your rumbling tummy!

3. Relax Your Body

Pay special attention to your pose, whether you choose to lay comfortably on your bed, in a relaxing chair, or on the floor. Before you begin your journey, take a moment to relax and unwind.

4. Protect Yourself

You must take this step since you will be opening yourself up to spiritual energy. Be sure that you put your guard up against and cleanse any negative forces. To begin, close your eyes and make sure you’re comfortable. Lie on your back, with your hands at your sides, and protect yourself with a visualized light.

Imagine a white, enveloping light all around you. See it in your mind’s eye slowly moving up and covering your entire body, from your feet, legs, knees, thighs, torso and arms, neck, and face to the crown of your head. Remember that this white light is protecting you from all negative influences. It represents loving warmth and enlightenment in a dazzling mistiness all around you, cocooning you in its brilliant light. Feel its warmth, and invite it to wash over you. Repeat to yourself, either in words or intent, “I am breathing in powerful protective energy. This energy is building an aura of protection around me. This aura protects me at all times in every way.” Say this to yourself five times for five inhales.

After this, concentrate on visualizing and feeling the energy, making it brighter and more powerful as you focus on it. Use the first color that comes to mind to tint the light, and repeat until you feel calm, comfortable, and ready to take the next step. There’s no rush.

5. Create Your Hallway

It’s time to start your journey. You will be using the tool of visualization. Imagine yourself in a long hallway with a large door at the end. See this hallway in as much detail as you can, whatever comes to mind, no matter what color it is, what it’s made of, the design of it, whether it’s decorated…it’s all up to you. Construct it in your mind, but be sure to remember it. You will be using it each time you seek a past life. Imagine this hallway with the expectation that, upon reaching the end and turning the knob of the big door, you will discover a past life.

6. Proceed Down Your Hallway

Make each step count. Take every one with purpose, and focus on the steps themselves. Watch your feet touch the ground, visualizing every aspect of your journey as you approach the door at the end of the hall. Envision this place with all of your senses, from the smell of the room to the sounds of your environment. When you get to the end (having taken your time carefully and not rushing yourself; there’s no hurry), take hold of the doorknob. See yourself doing it, focusing on every detail. Note the texture of the knob, the sound of the mechanism as you turn it, and the warmth or coolness of it. When the bolt is disengaged, take a breath and give the door a gentle push.

7. Welcome a Past Life

No matter what you see when you open the door, accept it as something from your previous planes of existence. Again, it doesn’t matter what it is, whether it’s a simple color or an entire scene. However, take whatever you see as the foundation. Build upon it. Feel it. Hold the imagery in your mind and open up to it, accepting anything that arises in your mind. The color could merge into a specific object, like a blanket or a wall. The scene might evolve as you go deeper into your vision and give you clues as to when you are and where. You could be thinking that you’re just imagining things at this point, but give yourself credit and truly believe you are remembering a past life.

8. Be Patient:

You could see absolutely nothing, and that’s perfectly okay. It’s time to refocus your mind even more. Think about a specific thing you’ve always loved doing, whether it’s a hobby, skill, or destination. Ask yourself these questions, “Why do I like this? Can this be past-life related?”

Is nothing happening? There is a “shoe method” for this. Look at your feet in your visualization. Focus on the first pair of shoes you see yourself wearing. You might see sandals and then realize you’re wearing a tunic. You might see little pointy shoes and realize you’re wearing a big silk gown. Keep going with it.

Once you’ve remembered something—even if it’s just a pair of shoes—and if you feel there’s a grain of truth to it, you can start your next meditation from there.

Always begin each session with something you’ve already seen. Always work from the known to the unknown.

9. Accept What You See

Acceptance of what you experience is key. The doubt may be really niggling into your brain at this point. “Am I actually experiencing the past, or am I just making things up?” Of course, on some occasions, you might be creating false memories. However, this is part of the process. These visions almost always have a shred of truth at their core. You will only know for certain when you’ve done a significant number of past-life meditations, seeing patterns and details repeated over and over again.

And if you don’t like what you saw, clearly there is nothing you can do to alter the lives you’ve already lived. It is entirely in the past.

In the meantime, you must choose to believe that what you see is genuine; if you don’t, you will never get anywhere. Your analytical mind will simply shoot down every image as a product of your overeager imagination.

10. Come Back to the Present

This step usually occurs on its own. It gets tiring keeping up with this visualization. Let it fade when it needs to. This will happen when the images stop coming, or your analytical, disbelieving mind starts taking over. This is the point when it’s okay to open your eyes and stay in the present.

However, you can also control your departure. If you’re ready to leave your past life, just picture that doorway where you began. Open the door and walk down the length of the hallway you constructed.

Other Methods

There’s more than one way to remember past lives, whether through recurring dreams or insights from psychic mediums. Each individual can discover their unique path to unlock and explore the secrets of their past.

Recurring Dreams

Recurring dreams may be a gateway to uncovering memories of past lives, a concept that intrigues both psychologists and spiritualists. These dreams, often vivid and emotionally intense, could be more than just repetitive patterns of our subconscious mind; they might be fragments of experiences from previous incarnations seeping into our current consciousness.

When we dream of places, people, or situations that feel intensely familiar yet are unconnected to our present life, these could be echoes from our former lives. These recurring dream themes might reveal specific details – like historical settings, languages we’ve never learned, or unexplained knowledge – that align with the theory of past life experiences. Such dreams can be a subconscious way of connecting with and processing our long, continuous soul journey across different lifetimes, offering insights into our current fears, desires, and relationships.

Past Life Regression Therapy

Past life regression therapy is a fascinating field that delves into the exploration of one’s past lives to address issues in the current life. This therapy is built on the belief that we have lived previous lives and that memories and experiences from these past incarnations can influence our present life, often in ways we may not fully understand.

Dr. Brian Weiss, a prominent figure in this field, has popularized past life regression hypnosis through his books and podcast appearances. His work emphasizes the therapeutic potential of exploring previous lifetimes, particularly in addressing deep-seated fears and promoting spiritual growth.

The central technique in past life regression therapy is hypnotherapy. A skilled hypnotherapist guides the individual into a deeply relaxed state, often using visualization techniques. In this state, individuals may access past life memories, which can be profound and vivid, sometimes explaining present-day phobias or preferences. The concept aligns with the theory of the Akashic Records, a cosmic repository of all human experiences.

A significant aspect of this therapy is the exploration of deja vu sensations, which some believe are remnants of past life experiences. These experiences are thought to resonate with our current life, manifesting as unexplained feelings or even physical markers like birthmarks.

The therapy also often involves the concept of spirit guides, entities believed to assist us in our journey on Earth. Through past life regression, individuals might encounter these guides, gaining insights that contribute to their well-being.

Psychic Readings

Past life readings can be a profound tool for those seeking to understand the intricacies of their soul’s journey. In these readings, it’s crucial to pay attention to the subtle details and messages conveyed, as they often hold the key to unlocking deeper self-awareness. By focusing on the present moment during a reading, individuals may find themselves transported through time, connecting with experiences and memories from the other side of their existence.

These revelations can range from identifying soulmates from past lives, highlighting enduring connections that transcend time and space, to uncovering significant past events that continue to impact current life choices and relationships. Through psychic readings, one gains not just knowledge of their previous incarnations but also a clearer perspective on their present path, enhancing their understanding of the soul’s eternal journey and the interconnected tapestry of life.

Exploring past lives opens doors to understanding beyond our current existence. Whether through dreams, regression therapy, or psychic readings, the journey into the depths of our soul’s history reveals profound insights. Embracing the possibility of reincarnation broadens our comprehension of life’s complexities and offers a glimpse into the timeless mysteries of existence, allowing us to navigate our present with a newfound depth of wisdom and self-awareness.

Study Seeks to Find Scientific Evidence for Clairvoyance

Study Seeks to Find Scientific Evidence for Clairvoyance

A groundbreaking new study seeks to scientifically validate an ability we may all be born with, clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance, or the ability to perceive beyond the physical sense of sight, has been documented in almost every culture across all time. And yet it, like other psychic abilities, has often been feared, misunderstood, and disbelieved. Today, an ever-growing interest in extended perception has motivated researchers to scientifically study the phenomenon.

Helané Wahbeh ND, MCR, is the Director of Research at the Institue of Noetic Sciences (IONS), which investigates transcendent human experiences through rigorous scientific study. Dr. Wahbeh and her team recently conducted a study into clairvoyance.

“Clairvoyance is a historic term, it’s been used for a very long time, and it specifically means ‘clear seeing,’ but really it is this extended perception of being able to perceive beyond our physical sense of sight,” Dr. Wabeh said. “This shows up in different ways for people, some people actually see colors, they see supposed other beings that don’t have physical bodies, other people see in their mind’s eye. So, they might receive information or visuals from other people, from things around them that they wouldn’t be able to possibly know with their traditional five senses.”

Cyndi Dale is an energy healer and intuitive who has experienced clairvoyant abilities throughout her entire life.

“So there are many, many different ways that somebody can get a clairvoyant image or vision,” Dale said. “One of the ways is at night, sometimes they’re in dreams, sometimes in color or in black and white. Some people get their visions when they’re daydreaming. Sometimes the pictures that come in are futuristic, they’re about pre-destiny or something that could happen. Many times I find that the visions are about history, what’s occurred, or they’re psychological and they’re explaining what is. Being clairvoyant is complicated because it’s not just about receiving, it’s about how do you work with the images, how do you interact with them?”

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