Why I Start My Day with Warm Water and Lemon

Why I Start My Day with Warm Water and Lemon

I had no idea how beneficial this was for me growing up but every day, like clockwork, mom would pour out a cup of hot water and squeeze some fresh lemon into the cup. Of course I always complained but now, 20-something years later, I am grateful that she persisted in getting me to drink the sour liquid every morning.

So why do I think drinking this is a big deal? In a nutshell:

  1. It raises your PH levels so from acidic to a more alkaline internal environment. Disease cannot live in an alkaline environment as it needs acidity to thrive. When we sleep, our bodies become acidic so the simple act of drinking water and lemon in the morning balances the body.

  2. Empowers your immune and nervous system. Lemons are rich in potassium and vitamin C stimulating your neuro-impulses and strengthening white blood cells.

  3. Improves digestion by removing toxins from the digestive system and promotes bile production in the liver.

  4. Aids in weight loss again due to keeping the body in an alkaline environment. Lemon is also a craving buster.

  5. Purifies the body by eliminating toxins, clears the liver and the skin.

  6. Calms you with a high level of Vitamin C first thing in the morning.

Biorhythm Research is Creating New Paradigm in Women's Health

Biorhythm Research is Creating New Paradigm in Women’s Health

Following decades of being excluded from clinical studies, women today are suffering dire consequences. Can new research finally reverse the misunderstandings and help women harness the power of their unique biology?

Kayla Osterhoff is a neuropsychophysiologist studying the mind-body connection, with a focus on women’s health.

“Well most people are probably not aware of this, but women actually represent the largest gap in health science research that exists today,” Osterhoff said. “This is perpetuated by a problem that actually manifested back in 1977 when the FDA formally banned all women of child-bearing potential from all clinical research. That ban remained in effect until 1993, and to this day, the damage has been done and women are still left out of the clinical research.” 

“The reason why women are left out of the clinical research is that women are biologically complex, meaning that they are biologically, biochemically, and physiologically shifting constantly because of our female hormone cycle that drives our physiology. The other reason is that women are risky research subjects, meaning that they can become pregnant at any time during the study. So, while it is understandable from an ethical standpoint, it cannot remain in effect because women are really being disempowered by this gap,” she said. 

The repercussions of this scientific gap have been profound and were highlighted in a recent study.

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