Turpentine: The Healing Oil?

Turpentine: The Healing Oil?

If you can find a better, holistic solution to your aches and pains, would you try it? Skip the Advil, because you’re in luck! Turpentine oil has been used as healing medicine for generations to remedy soreness and muscle pains.

Turpentine oil has been largely used as a paint thinner and brush cleaner. It’s used as a raw material in the synthesis of resins, oil additives, synthetic pine oil and campor, according to Britannica. The oil can be obtained through cooking wood pulp, steam distillation of shredded pine, or from the distillation of the exudates of tapped pine trees.

Turpentine oil is colorless, oily, odorous and flammable and creates a warming sensation when applied to the skin. Many notice an immediate effect after applying, and their pain is reduced within hours. Use a small amount to either massage or swab on the affected area. For best results, apply the oil 3-4 times daily until pain or soreness improves.

Turpentine oil can be used for many ailments:


Please use this oil at your own caution, consult a physician to be sure this the right product for you. Be sure not to apply turpentine oil to any open wounds or swallow in excess amounts. You can use it on cold sores only before they erupt. You can add the turpentine oil to a humidifier or vaporizer to inhale and clear lung congestion.

Make sure to wrap or cover the areas of the body where the oil has been applied for better penetration and avoid staining clothes or furniture. Turpentine oil is flammable, so be sure to wash your hands after each application.

Turpentine oil’s smell is intense, and to some, unpleasant. You can mix it with your favorite essential oils to create a better smelling remedy. Other essential oils have their own valuable uses; find out which oils are best for you.

Holistic Dentistry Can Help Reverse Cavities

Holistic Dentistry Can Help Reverse Cavities

Going to the dentist is a chore that almost no one looks forward to; it’s painful, expensive, and no matter what, you’ll probably be told you’re not flossing enough. Some dentists might tell you that your issues are a matter of genetics, but that’s probably not true. This led one dentist to the realization that the intrinsic problem is not a matter of legacy, but instead a matter of diet, realizing a way to reverse cavities simply by adjusting what one eats.

How to Get Rid of Cavities

We all know processed sugar and sweets are prime contributors to cavities, but there are also vitamins and nutrients that, when deficient in our diet, can lead to tooth decay. Calcium and Vitamin D are two of these nutrients we know are responsible for strong bones and healthy teeth. But what most don’t realize is that these vitamins can be neutralized by phytic acid in the digestive process. Phytic acid and phytates act as a storage mechanism of phosphorous in plants, but when consumed by humans they aren’t broken down, instead binding with other nutrients that neutralize them in the process.

So where do phytates come from? Grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and in lesser quantities, vegetables. But aren’t these types of food essential sources of certain nutrients themselves? Well, yes, and the answer is complicated; phytates are also known to have antioxidant properties, and their binding effect can be good for people who consume an overabundance of minerals like iron.

The big takeaway is that an overabundance of phytates in your diet can lead to weaker teeth and more cavities if not balanced with an abundance of specific nutrients. And our diets are packed with foods that contain these phytates. With the average western diet containing copious amounts of processed sugars, grains, and vegetable oil, it’s no wonder the dental industry is booming.

From a young age, we’ve been exposed to this type of diet, with the food pyramid’s foundation consisting of bread, cereals, and wheat. Although sugar is the smallest segment of the pyramid, it has found its way into almost all of the food we eat. At the same time, meat and dairy are also small segments on the pyramid, but according to research based on a diet optimized for healthy teeth, these food groups should be your foundation.

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