Dayna Seraye

Dayna Seraye

Dayna’s teachings weave diverse techniques that support your wholeness, radiance and well being. She loves to infuse asana practices with pranayama, kriya (energy practices), mudra and organic movement to create well-rounded and inspiring experiences for her students. In Dayna’s classes expect safe invitations to find your tender edge where healing and evolution happen. While Dayna has been sharing the wisdom of vinyasa, hatha, kundalini, and meditation teachings to her students since 2011, her teaching foundation is rooted in her long term dedicated personal practice and study. She enjoys weaving themes that have inspired her journey into her teachings, including emotional healing, shadow work, self-love and clearing limitations. When off the mat, find Dayna soaking up nature with her family, leading authentic relating trainings and dancing through this wild ride of life. Learn more at

129 classes found

Balancing the Chakras
Discover the physical and subtle qualities of ajna or agya chakra, the sixth energetic center, located at your forehead between your eyes. Cultivate wisdom and intuitive fortitude through mantra (chant), mudra (hand gesture), pranayama (breathwork), and gentle movement.
Balancing the Chakras
Explore the physical and subtle qualities of manipura chakra, the third chakra, located around your navel center along your spine. Activate your inner strength and fire through mantra (chant), bandha (energy lock), and mudra (hand gesture).
Balancing the Chakras
Discover the physical and subtle qualities of vishuddha chakra, the fifth energetic center, located in your throat. Bring balance and truthful expression through mantra (chant), mudra (hand gesture), breathwork, and gentle movement.
Balancing the Chakras
Explore the physical and subtle qualities of svadhisthana chakra, the second chakra, located at your sacrum along your spine. Clear stuck emotions, tap into creative flow, and access the watery nature of this energy center.
Balancing the Chakras
Journey into the physical and subtle qualities of muladhara chakra, the seat of your infinite potential, located at the base of your spine. Through accessible mantra (chant), bandha (energy lock), and mudra (hand gesture), clear any fears and ground deeply into yourself.
Dayna Seraye
Promote a strong and supported immune system with cleansing kriya, pranayama (breath), and stimulating movement. Keep this dynamic practice in your wellness toolbox for an accessible immunity boost.
Dayna Seraye
Allow yourself to blossom through challenges and adversity with this empowering and softening practice. Learn to listen deeply and embrace every challenge with presence and strength.
Dayna Seraye
Unfurl your body and mind after a long day with this practice full of deep hip stretches and low back releases. Begin lying down, then move into some gentle movements and seated stretches. Close with a sweet rest.
Dayna Seraye
Tap into your power center in this vigorous flow devoted to bringing out the strength in you. Start with breath of fire, then flow through core strengthening poses and powerful, full-body standing shapes.
Dayna Seraye
Gently build confidence in your practice and in yourself through a series of empowering and accessible poses. Create strength and spaciousness in your entire body then rest in savasana knowing you are exactly where you need to be.
Dayna Seraye
Not only do side bends bring flexibility and a greater range of motion to the spine, they also feel really good! Explore an uplifting flow designed to release your side body to find more spaciousness and ease in your whole body.
Dayna Seraye
Embrace gratitude for what you have in life despite difficult circumstances. Begin seated with a few minutes of deep breathing, followed by a slow, fluid warm up. Gradually build to more challenging standing poses while exploring movements inspired by spirals - like the cyclical nature of life.
Dayna Seraye
This slow and steady well-rounded practice is designed to help navigate the changing weather patterns and impermanence of life. Explore a practice full of breathwork and expansive standing postures.
Dayna Seraye
Celebrate the longest day of the year and the illuminating power of the sun in this uplifting summer solstice practice. This well-rounded, active practice includes options for challenging pose variations such as wild thing, side plank, and flowing side lunges. Take what works for you today, and enjoy the celebration of the sun!
Dayna Seraye
Work out headache-related tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper back with accessible, fluid movements, and deep exhales. A great seated practice for midday or when dealing with stressful circumstances.
Dayna Seraye
One of the core desires of the soul is for growth, which comes through challenge. Cultivate your superpowers to face any challenges in this invigorating, energetic practice inspired by hatha and kundalini movement.
Dayna Seraye
Release emotional tension and clear the second chakra through powerful prana practices, sound, and deep hip openers. Feel what you feel and let it go.
Dayna Seraye
Cultivate resilience in this strong continuous-movement flow with a focus on creating space in the heart area. Begin with light instruction on strengthening, heart-opening poses, then move through a vigorous flow with space to feel into your breath. Close with a few gentle poses and option for savasana.