Desiree Rumbaugh

Desiree Rumbaugh

With a well-earned reputation for deepening even the most advanced practices,Desiree Rumbaugh is an internationally recognized yoga teacher with more than twenty years experience.

As one of the first students and certified teachers of Anusara's founder John Friend, her passion comes from a lifetime of experience with the most extremes of emotions and situations.

On first impression, Desiree Rumbaugh teaches incredibly challenging practices. However, her sense of humor balanced with a quest for authenticity draws out the bright and shining light from within every student, no matter their level of yoga experience. With increased her compassion and a strengthened purpose of helping others, Rumbaugh has a unique ability to tap into a soft heart and vulnerable spaces to access wonderful poses. She is gifted with the ability to demonstrate some of the most difficult postures, and even more amazingly, getting students to experience the same sequences.

Desiree lives her passion for yoga every day. With an astoundingly full teaching schedule, traveling throughout the U.S. and abroad--most recently in India and Asia, she dedicates all of her teaching to her two children: her daughter, Jessica and her late son, Brandon. "Thank you for teaching me how to love."

Released in 2007, her DVD entitled Yoga to the Rescue is specially designed for those who have avoided yoga because of a lack of flexibility, low fitness level or chronic pain. Desiree is also a contributor to Yoga Journal.

11 classes found

Desiree Rumbaugh
Learn how to use yoga to let go of stress, moving from the inside out in simple yet deep poses. Find relief for your neck and shoulders with these basic heart opening poses.
Backbends - Progressive Series
This practice from Desiree Rumbaugh is the completion of our five part series, which puts it all together. Take notice of how much progress you have made, perhaps you may feel more open-hearted and courageous in your body, mind, and heart.
Backbends - Progressive Series
The fourth class in Desiree Rumbaugh's series is designed to bring you deeper into your practicing using the wall as a prop. Explore this opportunity to let go of deep tightness in the quadriceps and shoulders, a stronger medicine for deeper openings.
Backbends - Progressive Series
This third class of Desiree Rumbaugh's progressive backbends series introduces the creative use of more props to help you target and open up your stiffer spots. Props are very useful for everyone as they offer us time to stay in the poses and relax. Provide saftey for your body and it will be more inclined to let go of resistance.
Backbends - Progressive Series
This uplifting and intentional practice provides the foundation to open your heart with ease. Through standing postures, hip openers, back bends, and squats, learn to use the power of your legs, core, and breath to help mobilize your spine toward ustrasana (camel pose).
Desiree Rumbaugh
This class explores a variety of heart openers, leading up to a deep backbend in Full Wheel Pose.
Backbends - Progressive Series
If you are new to yoga or you have been avoiding backbends due to stiffness or pain, this class will be a great first step on the road to transformation. The poses are simple, yet very effective when combined with breath and mind focus.
Desiree Rumbaugh
Breathe into the moment and follow Desiree Rumbaugh as you open your heart to your own true self. Take the one minute pose challenge, a change of pace from a flow practice, which requires a lot of staying power both mentally and physically. Make a commitment to stay the course and, as always, use your own good judgement. There is no benefit in holding a pose too long if you are feeling pain, take this class at your own pace.
Desiree Rumbaugh
In this Wisdom Warriors series, Desiree Rumbaugh explores hip openers and arm balances, equanimity and balance, finding the middle path to more freedom and lightness. This class is ideal for the fit over 50s or anyone looking for a challanging class.
Desiree Rumbaugh
Hey Super Moms! We have a deal for you. If you can just take 20 minutes out of your day to practice along with this video, you will see and feel a noticeable difference in your energy and your muscle tone. Knowing that you are short on time, Desiree Rumbaugh leads this fast paced class just for you. Strengthen your legs, back, neck, and core muscles. Do some twists, one arm balance and a few backbends for renewed energy. Desiree began her yoga practice 26 years ago when her children were 2 and 4. She is stronger now than she was back then in her late twenties. If you want to get back in or stay in shape, yoga can help you mentally and physically. This video is part of our Yoga for Busy Moms practice guide.
Desiree Rumbaugh
Desiree Rumbaugh guides us through a variety of standing poses, seated poses, inversions, deep backbends and twists to wring out the toxins and bring in the freshness. This short and lively practice is perfect for strong intermediate students and can also be incorporated into a longer more complete home practice.