Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana: Revolved Hand to Big Toe Pose

Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana: Revolved Hand to Big Toe Pose

Parivrtta hasta padangusthasana (par-ee-VRIT-tah HAS-ta pod-ang-goosh-TAHS-anna) is a balancing posture that asks for flexibility. Use props and modifications to make this challenging posture accessible from right where you are.

Philosophy + Origin

While the name of this pose is straightforward, many yoga teachers call it dancing Shiva, which opens up a whole new perspective for understanding parivrtta hasta padangusthasana. Traditional depictions of Nataraj, or dancing Shiva, show the arms and legs moving fluidly across the body, which is how the shape of this posture earned it its nickname. Shiva’s dance is often referred to as a cosmic dance of bliss, showing the universal cycles of creation and destruction, birth and death. Practicing dancing Shiva is a recognition of these cycles, and improves the ability to find balance and peace in the midst of eternal change.



  • Place a strap around your lifted foot to create more space.
  • Reach your back hand to a wall for extra support.
  • Keep your gaze forward or to the side to help with balance.
  • Keep your back hand on your hip for added stability.


  1. Begin standing at the top of your mat. Shift your weight into your right leg, pressing down through all four corners of the foot.
  2. Draw your left knee toward your chest. Loop your first and second finger of your right hand around your left big toe.
  3. Stand up tall. Lift your head up and drop your tailbone down.
  4. Place your left hand to your left hip, level your pelvis. Extend your left foot forward, pressing through your heel.
  5. Reach your right hand toward the back of your mat.
  6. Slowly start to move your gaze back towards your right hand.
  7. Hold this pose for 5-10 breaths before untwisting and slowly lowering the lifted leg down to the floor. Pause in standing for a few breaths before repeating on the other side.





  • Parivrtta = revolved
  • Hasta = hand
  • Angustha = big toe
  • Asana = pose


  • Strengthens and lengthens leg muscles.
  • Stretches deep gluteal muscles and outer hips.
  • Improves balance.


  • Improves mental and emotional balance.
  • Boosts confidence.
  • Energizes and steadies the mind.

Uttana Shishosana: Extended Puppy Pose

Uttana Shishosana: Extended Puppy Pose


An intelligent pose to help lengthen the spine and relieve mental stress, uttana shishosana (OO-ta-NAH she-SHO-sahna), is a hybrid pose — a cross between balasana (child’s pose) and adho mukha svanasana (downward facing dog). Uttana shishosana is a great way to energize the physical and subtle bodies for when you’re feeling fatigued, or when you’ve been stuck behind a desk or in a chair all day. Energetically, the posture has the benefits of increasing both self-confidence and self-love.

Philosophy + Origin

Uttana shishosana is a great reminder of why we practice yoga: to feel better and to find tools to help us live our best lives. Named because of the way dogs and puppies stretch, this posture, while far from fancy, is effective in its simplicity. As humans, it’s easy to want to complicate life, always looking to the past or future in order to find meaning.

Dogs, on the other hand, are great at being present. Loyal and playful, our canine companions have a lot to teach us about relaxing and taking care of ourselves and those we love. As you practice extended puppy pose, allow yourself to settle into your senses. Allow yourself to linger (and lengthen) in the feel-good sensations.

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