Research Confirms Intention Affects Structure of Water Pt. 2

Research Confirms Intention Affects Structure of Water Pt. 2

An exciting new study by a leading research institute suggests that mental intention can not only change the structure of water but may even help stem cells to grow. The study provides fascinating results with profound implications.

The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) is a leader in the field of exploring mind-matter interactions. Its latest study is the culmination of a number of other experiments, all suggesting that the act of making an intention on water produces a measurable response.

Dr. Dean Radin is the chief scientist at IONS who led the study.

“In this experiment, as in previous studies, we asked three Buddhist monks in a temple in Taiwan, to focus their attention towards samples of water, with the intention that stem cells grown with that water as part of the growth medium would proliferate more,” Radin said. “And then we had control water — same company, same source — that was not part of the experiment which we set aside as a control. So then the water was used in a double-blind fashion by a technician who was growing the stem cells, to create growth media that these stem cells were put into. Then they simply measured, over three days, how much were the stem cells growing, and they also took other measures that are genetic expression factors showing the health of the stem cells.”

Researchers were astounded by the results.

“What we found was significant evidence that the stem cells proliferated more, (and) that the genes that were expressed were in alignment with the idea that they were actually healthier stem cells.”

Just what makes these results so significant?

“Stem cells are part of the human body that are called pluripotent, which means that they can turn into any other kind of cell. So, it’s being used, mostly experimentally at this point, for repair of the human body. Anything which makes adult stem cells proliferate more and last longer is really good because it’s not so easy to make adult stem cells live longer and be healthier,” Radin said.

“So what this is suggesting is that simply the act of intention on water must have done something to the water to make the stem cells actually grow better. One of the implications is that wherever stem cells are being used, you want to train the people who are growing the stem cells to maintain a certain intention that these cells are going to grow better, and then see what happens. But if it worked, well that would change everything, because now it means that anybody doing any kind of mental preparation — not just stem cells, but anything —  if they come at it with an intention that this is going to work better, well, it looks like it will work better.”

IONS is currently planning follow-up experiments to replicate the results and explore further. For Radin, the implications of this research are far-reaching.

“The reason why consciousness is particularly interesting and why intention is interesting is because a lot of people are spending a lot of time doing things like praying for peace, or praying for somebody else to be well, or praying for this, or praying for that. It’s all about intention that you want something to change in the world. Well, in order for that to work, it requires, from a non-religious perspective, that consciousness, and intention in particular, does something. It is causal, in which case things like praying for peace would make sense because then it’s not just people comforting themselves, but they’re actually changing something in the physical world,” Radin said. 

3 Ways to Positively Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

3 Ways to Positively Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

What is Your Subconscious?

Our subconscious is the part of our minds that connects the subtle patterns needed to function in life. Our subconscious is programmed to carry out simple tasks so our conscious mind can ponder the complex.

Our brain functions are incredibly intricate with many facets still not fully understood. In computing terms, the number of operations per second that our brains are responsible for reaches into the thousands of trillions. While that number is truly impossible to conceptualize, to put it into perspective, one of the world’s fastest supercomputers was made to mimic one second of one percent of human brain operation by using 83,000 processors – it took the computer 40 minutes to complete the task.

And though our brains are far superior to these artificial processors, like a computer, certain elements of our brain functions can be programmed in different ways. Our brains are conditioned from a young age and from many directions, including society, family, and academia. Some of this conditioning is necessary and desired, but there are also subliminal elements that fly under the radar and can often be subversive and self-defeating. But the good news is that there are conscious steps one can take to correct this.

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