New Theory Says Consciousness is Electromagnetic

New Theory Says Consciousness is Electromagnetic

For centuries, humans have tried to determine ‘what is consciousness?‘ How are we able to think and have free will? A new scientific theory says consciousness may be electromagnetic.

Philosophers and scientists have debated the nature of consciousness for years. Consciousness put simply, can be defined as capable of, or marked by, thought, will, design, or perception. But where does this ability come from? Inside the brain or some external force?

Johnjoe McFadden professor of molecular genetics at the University of Surrey has a new theory he calls the Consciousness Electromagnetic Information Field Theory, or CEMI Field Theory.

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How the 7 Seals of Consciousness Can Tell You Who You Are

How the 7 Seals of Consciousness Can Tell You Who You Are

The term “consciousness” is frequently heard these days, with everyone from spiritual leaders to yoga teachers to healing practitioners talking about the need to “raise your consciousness.” Do you even know what consciousness means? In our last article we shared that YOU are the only one who can raise your consciousness – you can’t rely on anyone else to do that for you.

Consciousness is thought. It is the way you think. It is your vantage point. Everyone has consciousness. Every one is made from consciousness. Everyone has low stages of consciousness and high stages of consciousness. These are just vantage points of thought and they hold different vibrations to them.

Most humans like to think that they are of very high consciousness, or at a minimum, that they are of far higher consciousness than most other people. But how do you know this for sure? We’d like to share with you our knowledge of the Seven Seals of Consciousness.

All reality is created from consciousness and energy, or thought and emotion. Everyone’s life is a demonstration of their consciousness and emotions. In the human experience, there are seven primary vantage points or perspectives from which you create your reality. Each of these seven levels (or Seals) displays certain traits and characteristics, or ways of reacting or being.

A Roadmap to Your Soul

The Seals are descriptions of vantage points that have either held you bound in resistance or which can finally release you into full abundance and creativity. Humans are mostly not taught (or don’t remember) that they have the ability to move through the various Seals of Consciousness to resolve issues in their life and to master the human physical experience so that everything moves fluidly.

By following the descriptions of the Seven Seals of Consciousness, you will finally be able to determine who you are. This is the elusive answer that so many humans are seeking. Once you determine that, you may move freely in any direction that YOU choose. No one chooses that for you. You have the empowerment to make the shifts in your life. The Seven Seals are a roadmap – a roadmap inwards that will take you into connection with your Soul.

We provide in-depth, comprehensive teaching on the Seven Seals of Consciousness. Here though is a brief overview of the key characteristics of each of the Seals. Each Seal also has a color associated with it. The coloration of the Seal of Consciousness is not the same as the Energy Frequency Bands (often referred to as the aura. We will cover more on that in a later discussion, but for now, let’s review each of the Seven Seals.

First Seal of Consciousness

  • Color: Brown
  • Name of Seal: Sub-Consciousness
  • Key Traits: Reproduction and Survival

Description: Humans residing in the first Seal of Consciousness primarily exhibit thoughts and attitudes that revolve around survival (looking out for #1), reproduction (concern with mating and bloodlines), rituals (e.g., superstition), and competition (the need to be the best). Reactive behavior based on disconnection from Source. Forty percent of humans reside in the First Seal.

Second Seal of Consciousness

  • Color: Red
  • Name: Social Consciousness
  • Key Traits: Control, Tyranny, Herd-Like Behavior

Description: In this Seal humans are still deeply seated in the belief of disconnection from Source. Displaying a “safety in numbers” mentality; not thinking for oneself and conforming to the views of the majority. Following guidelines and requirements set out by the community, church, government, and education system. Thirty percent of humans reside in the Second Seal.

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