Am I a Mystic? 10 Telltale Signs of Mystics

Am I a Mystic? 10 Telltale Signs of Mystics

Have you ever wondered, “Am I a mystic?” Chances are probably not. Mysticism holds a very loose definition, which can often be complicated, confusing, and nearly impossible to express with mere words. In Mysticism, direct knowledge of spiritual truth or ultimate reality can be attained through subjective experience.

Ultimate reality is something that is supreme, final, and the fundamental power in all reality. Unlike Christianity, Islam or Judaism, Mysticism is not rooted in faith, principle, dogma, or even belief. This is because you do not “believe” in Mysticism. Instead, Mystics are born.

For Mystics, the world is expansive and magical yet also intricately and undoubtedly connected. Mystics must possess a certain frame of mind, or ways of honing psychic ability, when viewing the world and have an understanding temperament. For example, while some believe impulses to be random and instinctual,

Mystics see the divine intervention behind the impulse. Free will does not exist. Instead, there is a greater fundamental power that moves every action and decision toward the accomplishment of a greater plan.

Because of this natural understanding of the Universe in everything, Mystics feel a need to serve others in order to help guide them through obstacles and critical life decisions. Their ability for intuition and connection is unique and is derived from within. Not everyone can be a mystic, it is not something that can be learned or taught, therefore those who realize their innate abilities have the responsibility to help those without.

American Mystic

So if there’s no clear definition or outlined boundaries, how can you answer “Am I a Mystic?” Read the following 10 subtle signs and by the end, you may know your answer.

1. You value experiences above all else

Mystics tend to steer clear of strict doctrines and principles. Because of their innate intuition, they have a high level of trust in their own morality and inner self. While they are driven to connect with the ultimate reality, they feel it must be on a deeply personal basis that can only be achieved through their own experiences. Mystics still turn to others for perspective and opinions, however, these will not be their main and only source of truth.

2. You question existence

Why am I here? Why are we all here? These are common questions that haunt a Mystics mind. While Mystics have the ability to see the connected strings behind every action, it does not mean that they are able to fully comprehend how the universe works and why. Because of their heightened senses, Mystics have a natural curiosity about the physical and spiritual world.

3. You are comfortable with uncertainty

Mystics understand that there is a plan behind Every Action In The Universe, and therefore trust that every action has purpose, even if they don’t know what the next moment will bring. Mystics also trust in themselves and their connection to the universe that they will be able to interpret any signs and act accordingly. While they are still naturally curious, Mystics have no driving desire to force their future.

4. You value intuition

Mystics rely on knowledge, language, and physical senses the same as others do. However, their intuitive perceptions offer a deeper form of insight. Mystics trust in their own intuition and value similar intuitive traits in others.

5. You are uncomfortable with spiritual hierarchies

Tenuous rituals or traditions have no place in the world of spirituality for Mystics. They do not believe that there is only one path or correct way to experience divinity. While not everyone can experience the ultimate reality, Mystics understand that every person has a unique and impenetrable perception of life, and therefore the ability to experience a unique divinity to some extent.

6. You have your own set of rules

Mystics feel a connection to every living thing and therefore are able to look beyond what may be socially accepted. Mystics have an innate trust in their own morality and intuition and are guided by their experience, rather than leaders or society. This can often make them spiritual or even political rebels.

7. You value internal growth

To Mystics, rituals and traditions are meant to trigger internal insight and transformation, not to appease a higher power. This is another reason why Mystics often feel uncomfortable with structured religions. Mystics feel that personal growth toward the universe’s ultimate plan must come from within. It cannot be dictated or ordered. Mystics feel a responsibility to help others to find their way, however, they cannot tell them what is right and wrong.

8. You believe you are a conduit for power, not the source

Mystics possess an understanding that every living thing must come and go and that in the grand scheme, they are simply one wave in an ocean. Because of their connection with everyone and everything, Mystics are often humble and more concerned with understanding and emotion than with power. They see their insights into the universe as a borrowed gift – bestowed upon them by something greater, but ultimately temporary.

9. You believe love is the source of life

Similar to No. 8, Mystics believe that love powers everything. The people and experiences that we love in our own lives are merely a small reflection of a larger, all-encompassing love. Love is not something that originates in you, rather it is something that flows through you and every other being.

10. You don’t know everything

And you don’t think you know everything. Mystics acknowledge that the universe is infinite and mysterious and is far too complex for the human mind to fully comprehend. They don’t know everything and they know they don’t know everything. Mystics enjoy reaching out, learning new things and hearing new perspectives. They trust in the universe’s plan and see their journey as one of understanding, not preaching.

How to Ground Yourself

Profound change is waiting just beneath your feet.

Every naturally occurring event gives energy to the earth. Its surface acts as a conductor, constantly receiving and distributing energy to all its inhabitants. For most of humanity, humankind was one with this primordial connection. Walking barefoot across the land, our bodies were continually linked to this massive energy field. Now, thanks to the advent of asphalt and plastics, we have become increasingly separated from the earth and its many gifts. From tennis shoes to supermarkets, nearly every step we take is on a foundation that is not conducive.

What is Grounding?

The term grounded is often applied to stabilizing electricity, which is precisely why the new theory and movement are aptly named. The world is made up of electrical and magnetic fields or currents (electromagnetic), including our bodies. We are endlessly emitting vibrational signals out from our organs, while also receiving them from the objects around us. This notion is the driving force behind cable television pioneer Clint Ober’s theory, which applied the same techniques behind grounding electricity to the human body.

Though it may have started as an innocent query into the conducting and stabilizing powers of the earth, universities and scholars have adapted Ober’s research. One of the most advantageous qualities of the theory is its ability to be tested by nearly anyone. All one needs to do is step outside and touch the earth for several minutes a day and record the results. There are, however, other DIY experiments that offer more proof for the skeptics.

Research held by the University of Arizona examined the vitality of plants in relation to their connection to the earth. The earthing experiment pitted 2 sunflowers against each other, one grounded, and one ungrounded, to reveal the results of separating a living entity from its direct source. What became apparent immediately was the decline in the health of the ungrounded flower, which became “stressed”, versus the vibrant nature of its grounded neighbor.

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