Clara Roberts-Oss

Clara Roberts-Oss

For Clara Roberts-Oss, movement has always been sacred. After spending much of her life as a dancer, she took her first Vinyasa class in 2000 at Jivamukti yoga Center and discovered a feeling of home.

As she moved through the flowing postures seamlessly with an emphasis on breath-body connection, Clara realized that yoga gave her something that dance could not - an emphasis on the internal journey.

Clara Roberts-Oss received her 200 hour Vinyasa Certification with Lauren Hanna at Sonic yoga NYC in 2003. Shortly thereafter, she met Shiva Rea and again felt at home. Shiva, too, understood the idea of fluidity and gave words to the movement that Clara had been doing her entire life. Since then, Clara has been studying under and assisting Shiva.

For Clara Roberts-Oss, movement is the ultimate form of communication with the Divine. She believes the body yearns to move like water and when it does, it hums with excitement.

"I thank all my teachers for sharing their passion of this practice with me: David Life for opening my heart, Stacey Brass for her minute cues that have changed me life, Uma for opening my voice, Dana Flynn for throwing out all the rules and inspiring me to do the same, Constantine Darling for showing me another way, and Paul Ortega for reminding me we are ALL the cosmic dancer."

80 classes found

Clara Roberts-Oss
Gently unravel the effects modern life has on your neck, shoulders, and chest. Enjoy the sequence off the mat and on the go, whenever you need it most.
Clara Roberts-Oss
In this Live Studio Session with Clara Roberts-Oss, she guides you through a dynamic vinyasa concentrating on the hips. Filmed at Semperviva Yoga Studios' Kits Beach location in Vancouver, BC.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Greet the sun with this morning flow taught by Clara Roberts-Oss. Wake your body, mind, and spirit with a vinyasa. This practice will focus on opening the front of the body with deep hip openers and backbends, preparing you to meet the day with an open heart.
Clara Roberts-Oss
This vinyasa yoga class with Clara Roberts-Oss blends different lineages to create a fluid practice, beginning with a moving meditation that is influenced by Tai Chi. This practice will connect your breath and your body.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Warm your body and quiet your mind as you move mindfully through this fast-paced flow. Focus on opening the hips and legs before resting in a complete savasana.
Clara Roberts-Oss
This advanced yoga class with Clara Roberts-Oss will get you in touch with the fluid water element that is innately in us all. The sequence will take you to different places on the mat. From twists to hips, balancing poses to core. Proper use of breath in twists will oxygenate the kidneys, cleanse the blood and remove waste. Our bodies are 99% water - prepare to enter the stream.
Moon Salutation Yoga Class
Clara Roberts-Oss
A vinyasa yoga class taught by Clara Roberts-Oss with emphasis on backbending and lengthening hamstrings. Warming the lower back and legs through moon salutes, go deeper into a backbending practice. This sequence will explore different backbends from standing bow to variations of camel. To counter balance, lengthen the hamstrings moving towards hanuman (splits pose), and ending with some juicy lower back releases.
Earth Flow Vinyasa
Clara Roberts-Oss
Fire, water and air. How do these elements translate in our bodies through movement? We are made up of at least 75% water, this flow will allow the body to return to it's natural state, fluidity. The vinyasa will begin with water, weaving fire and air through out. Explore your own fluid state with the earth flow.