Clara Roberts-Oss

Clara Roberts-Oss

For Clara Roberts-Oss, movement has always been sacred. After spending much of her life as a dancer, she took her first Vinyasa class in 2000 at Jivamukti yoga Center and discovered a feeling of home.

As she moved through the flowing postures seamlessly with an emphasis on breath-body connection, Clara realized that yoga gave her something that dance could not - an emphasis on the internal journey.

Clara Roberts-Oss received her 200 hour Vinyasa Certification with Lauren Hanna at Sonic yoga NYC in 2003. Shortly thereafter, she met Shiva Rea and again felt at home. Shiva, too, understood the idea of fluidity and gave words to the movement that Clara had been doing her entire life. Since then, Clara has been studying under and assisting Shiva.

For Clara Roberts-Oss, movement is the ultimate form of communication with the Divine. She believes the body yearns to move like water and when it does, it hums with excitement.

"I thank all my teachers for sharing their passion of this practice with me: David Life for opening my heart, Stacey Brass for her minute cues that have changed me life, Uma for opening my voice, Dana Flynn for throwing out all the rules and inspiring me to do the same, Constantine Darling for showing me another way, and Paul Ortega for reminding me we are ALL the cosmic dancer."

80 classes found

Sunrise Yoga
Allow your breath to be the guide in this flowing morning practice. Cultivate more range of motion into your joints and soothe your mind.
Sunrise Yoga
See the world through a new lens while moving through this intentional grounding practice that builds toward headstand and shoulderstand. Enjoy floor-based folds, twists, spinal lengthening, and shoulder openers. Prepare to work through a series of steps that support you in your inversions.
Sunrise Yoga
Reconnect to the earth as you wake up your feet in this morning ritual practice. Stretch the arches and ankles and stimulate your marma points on the feet and calves. Find freedom in your feet!
Sunrise Yoga
Pay homage to vinyasa yoga’s Ashtanga roots in this simple, grounding practice. Start with classic sun salutations and then progress into a simple standing and floor series, with attention focused on breath over alignment.
Sunrise Yoga
Begin your morning bathing the heart and mind with the ancient practice of a prostration series. This sweet class is designed to help you connect to your heart while simultaneously moving from it.
Sunrise Yoga
A gentle hatha practice to awaken your body and mind slowly and peacefully. Move slowly, allowing time to prepare mentally, emotionally, and physically for your day ahead.
Sunrise Yoga
Stimulate the digestive fire (agni) and spiritual flame. Focus on twists and pranayama (breath work) practices to help get your morning off to a good start!
Sunrise Yoga
Invigorate your morning with this quick start practice. Ceate space in the side body and move mindfully through poses, then explore pranayama (breath practice) and meditation.
Explore the Elements
Connect to your roots, your feet, legs and pelvis in this vinyasa practice with Clara Roberts-Oss. Through the power of your foundation, grow, twist and unfurl your torso towards it’s fullest potential. Join Clara in this strong and grounded practice moving towards Revolved Birds of Paradise.
Explore the Elements
Join Clara Roberts-Oss in this Prana Flow inspired class that will open the whole body with a focus on shoulders and spine. As human beings, we are composed of at least 65% water. As Clara's teacher, Shiva Rea, teaches, it is healing for us to connect to the water with our breath and body through fluid movements.
Explore the Elements
Support your low back and spine with strong core work that balances both the front and back body. Stoke your inner fire to cultivate heat, reenergizing your body and mind.
Explore the Elements
Create space in your physical and energetic bodies as you flow slowly, exploring meditation through movement. Focus on opening shoulders, hips, and quadriceps for the peak pose, supported virasana (hero’s pose).
Clara Roberts-Oss
Join Clara Roberts-Oss in this fiery vinyasa practice geared to fuel our affirmations. This class will open hips and shoulders to prepare for Firefly (Tittibhasana) and Sphinx (Salamba Bhujangasana) pose.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Join Clara Roberts-Oss in a vinyasa practice focused on playing with balance. Through the practice of standing postures start to learn the tips and tricks to improving your balance.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Through the practice of pratyahara (withdrawl of the senses) and dharana (concentration) begin to see your truest essence more clearly. This concentrated and grounding practice moves through split leg and balancing standing postures to challenge your balance and view the poses from within.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Join Clara Roberts-Oss in this vinyasa practice to cultivate the fire within. Our 'core', the solar plexus region, is known as the spiritual furnace. In this heating practice, let's offer up all that no longer serves to the flame and burn it off.
Commit To You
This fiery practice with Clara Roberts-Oss will fuel your mantras in life and ignite your internal flame. Once burning, this flame will reveal your intentions and, more importantly, the actions needed in order to create real, lasting change.
Commit To You
Play with elements of balance to weather the storm of your mind, accepting the reality of change to give rise to equanimity. Finding a sense of level-headedness is just one stop along the journey toward reframing your thoughts.