Clara Roberts-Oss

Clara Roberts-Oss

For Clara Roberts-Oss, movement has always been sacred. After spending much of her life as a dancer, she took her first Vinyasa class in 2000 at Jivamukti yoga Center and discovered a feeling of home.

As she moved through the flowing postures seamlessly with an emphasis on breath-body connection, Clara realized that yoga gave her something that dance could not - an emphasis on the internal journey.

Clara Roberts-Oss received her 200 hour Vinyasa Certification with Lauren Hanna at Sonic yoga NYC in 2003. Shortly thereafter, she met Shiva Rea and again felt at home. Shiva, too, understood the idea of fluidity and gave words to the movement that Clara had been doing her entire life. Since then, Clara has been studying under and assisting Shiva.

For Clara Roberts-Oss, movement is the ultimate form of communication with the Divine. She believes the body yearns to move like water and when it does, it hums with excitement.

"I thank all my teachers for sharing their passion of this practice with me: David Life for opening my heart, Stacey Brass for her minute cues that have changed me life, Uma for opening my voice, Dana Flynn for throwing out all the rules and inspiring me to do the same, Constantine Darling for showing me another way, and Paul Ortega for reminding me we are ALL the cosmic dancer."

80 classes found

Commit To You
Gain clarity by shedding the illusion of preconceived notions with this sensory focused practice. We gain the most clarity by tuning out our senses and tuning into the subtleties of our mind's patterns, discovering where we get stuck in old stories and habits.
Commit To You
What's the first step in creating lasting change? Releasing what's not serving us. Clara Roberts-Oss guides us through a core-centered practice to build heat and begin to burn our old stories and habits.
Clara Roberts-Oss
There are 3 rhythms in the body, that of the heart, the breath and the brainwaves. This short but sweet namaskar with Clara Roberts-Oss connects you to these inner rhythms. As you move through this sequence, you will be reminded to listen to how these rhythms change and how they affect one another. In A Heartbeat is a well rounded and concise class. Close your eyes and listen.
Clara Roberts-Oss
A deep hip opening yoga class with Clara Roberts-Oss that explores Yogi Dandasana and Lotus variations.
The Balanced You
It's no secret: the center of our bodies serves as a powerhouse on a multitude of levels. From metabolism to circulation to fertility, our primordial strength radiates from this energetic hub. In today's practice with Clara Roberts-Oss, we stoke our inner embers to ignite our fire. Bring your endurance to the mat today. You'll thank us later.
The Balanced You
Bruce Lee famously said, "Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless like water." We're liking the sound of that. In day one's practice with Clara Roberts-Oss, she takes us through a slow, undulating practice that moves the body in a flowing, deliberate and martial arts-inspired way. Get ready to cast your fishnet. (We're not sure what that means, either.)
Clara Roberts-Oss
Ignite your center without ever leaving the floor. Practice effective poses beautifully sequenced together to specifically strengthen and open your core while simultaneously burning away excess energy.
Saraswati, The Muse of Creation
Clara Roberts-Oss
This creative flow from Clara Roberts-Oss will leave you inspired both on and off the mat. Sarasawati is the muse of creation; the goddess of music, the arts, speech and science. We chant to her when we want inspiration. The chant at the beginning of class is “Aum Shri Sarasawti Namha”, may I recognize the muse within me. Let’s get inspired! This video is part of our Goddess Guide.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Whether you're having a hard time getting up this morning, dealing with afternoon drowsiness or have been sitting at a desk for an extended period of time, this twenty minute class from Clara Roberts-Oss will wake you up.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Use the boa breath from martial arts to surrender in this slow-moving class.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Destress with this flowing Vinyasa class.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Combine twisting with heart opening for a balanced practice.
Clara Roberts-Oss
This creative sequence from Clara Roberts-Oss will take us through deep shoulder, side-waist, and psoas stretches to prepare for forearm stand. Standing on your forearms, even with your feet still on the ground, can be exhilarating, scary, exciting and fun! Flow along to this dynamic class and boost your confidence with some good ol' core work. This video is part of the Get Strong, Be Calm challenge.
Clara Roberts-Oss
This gratitude focused practice from Clara Roberts-Oss is one that will allow you to get deep in your breath and connect to all that you have to be thankful for in your life. Clara's instructions include a series of standing and seated flows with plenty of options to give thanks to where you are in the moment. This practice is part of our Gratitude Guide.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Lakshmi is the goddess of fruition. This hip and side opening sequence with Clara Roberts-Oss is geared towards opening our bodies and minds to make space for that which we want to manifest. 
Clara Roberts-Oss
Morning practices are great way to start your day. This practice with Clara Roberts-Oss touches upon all parts of the body with a focus on side waist and hips. Ends with Nadis Sodhana and meditation. 
Clara Roberts-Oss
Dedicate your practice to something outside of yourself by embracing the energy of Radha, the goddess of devotion. Move slowly through this earthy practice, more from your heart and less from your head.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Start your day by giving thanks to the sun for life and your inner light for guidance. Enjoy moving slowly from pose to pose, practicing as a gentle act of devotion.