Clara Roberts-Oss

Clara Roberts-Oss

For Clara Roberts-Oss, movement has always been sacred. After spending much of her life as a dancer, she took her first Vinyasa class in 2000 at Jivamukti yoga Center and discovered a feeling of home.

As she moved through the flowing postures seamlessly with an emphasis on breath-body connection, Clara realized that yoga gave her something that dance could not - an emphasis on the internal journey.

Clara Roberts-Oss received her 200 hour Vinyasa Certification with Lauren Hanna at Sonic yoga NYC in 2003. Shortly thereafter, she met Shiva Rea and again felt at home. Shiva, too, understood the idea of fluidity and gave words to the movement that Clara had been doing her entire life. Since then, Clara has been studying under and assisting Shiva.

For Clara Roberts-Oss, movement is the ultimate form of communication with the Divine. She believes the body yearns to move like water and when it does, it hums with excitement.

"I thank all my teachers for sharing their passion of this practice with me: David Life for opening my heart, Stacey Brass for her minute cues that have changed me life, Uma for opening my voice, Dana Flynn for throwing out all the rules and inspiring me to do the same, Constantine Darling for showing me another way, and Paul Ortega for reminding me we are ALL the cosmic dancer."

80 classes found

Clara Roberts-Oss
Clara Roberts-Oss takes us through a vinyasa series of sweaty vinyasas, full body strengthening, and stretching. Get ready to workout and cool it down with this 80 minute power flow class, meant to stimulate and envigorate the senses and the heart. Modify as needed. 
Clara Roberts-Oss
Clara Roberts-Oss leads this Power Vinyasa class; Let's Bind It Together. I love exploring different binds during the practice! This class will take you through many postures to heat and invorate the body, get deep opening in the shoulders, and release in the upper back, through binding in many postures. Many variations are given in class to allow for varying levels of openness. This flow will help you find grounding, heat, lightness, and fluidity.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Lead by Clara Roberts-Oss, this watery practice is to help cool the inner fire that may be running too high. In Ayurveda, Yoga’s sister science, we are comprised of three elements known as ‘doshas’. Pitta is the fire element. When Pitta is high in the body/mind, you can feel aggressive, angry, overly competitive, and impatient.
Clara Roberts-Oss
This practice with Clara Roberts-Oss was created to ignite your internal fire and give you more energy.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Vata is the first in a series of videos that explores the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Calm anxiety, relieve tension, and create a strong sense of groundedness. In Ayurveda - yoga's sister science - we are comprised of three elements known as the doshas. When Vata (air and ether) is out of balance in the body/mind, you may feel flightly, have a hard time focusing, and may suffer from anxiety.
Clara Roberts-Oss
This short, grounding sequence with Clara Roberts-Oss will greatly decrease any tension that is held within the hips, hamstrings, and quadriceps. This twisty practice will help clarify the mind, by opening up the areas of the heart and hips. While twists originate from within the core and abdomen, the resultant effect is experienced everywhere that prana moves throughout the body.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Connect to your center and release physical tension in this gentle flowing practice designed to open your heart, shoulders, hips, hamstrings, and a little bit of everything else.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Practice moving slowly and mindfully in this yin-inspired practice designed to keep you grounded on the floor. Gently stretch and open your entire body.
Clara Roberts-Oss
How does breath affect our bodies? Clara Roberts-Oss combines pranayama with asana to create a detox flow that will get your lungs and spine expanding, creating space the whole body will feel.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Come inside. Relax those shoulders. Open your heart. Explore our divine spines with Clara Roberts-Oss. Every backbend you can think of.
Clara Roberts-Oss
A quick floor flow with Clara Roberts-Oss to open side waist, release lower back, open quads and back body.
Clara Roberts-Oss
This gentle flow class is designed for those who are new to the practice. Move through sun salutations and standing poses very slowly to understand what each pose is asking of us through the practice.
Clara Roberts-Oss
This vinyasa class with Clara Roberts-Oss will blend pranayamas and kriyas into the sequence giving you a sweat that is created from the inside out. Great for those looking to detox, want more energy or are feeling lethargic.
Clara Roberts-Oss
This is an open level class with Clara Roberts-Oss that is focused on lengthening the hamstrings and quads. By the end, you’ll feel more like Gumby and less like Blockhead (Gumby’s Nemesis). Great for runners and those who are tight in the legs. Note – Those with sensitive knees should have a bolster or block for Virasana.
Clara Roberts-Oss
Are you looking to stoke your inner fire? This flow with Clara Roberts-Oss blends strong pranayama breath with asana based kriyas to ignite your inner strength. For those with lethargy, jet lag or just plain old tired.
Clara Roberts-Oss
A simple and time-effective floor flow to stretch and release the lower back and limbs.
Clara Roberts-Oss
We've removed some of the most advanced postures in Clara's Let's Fly practice, to offer a more intermediate level version of this practice. Still quite challenging, minus some of the more challenging inversions and some of the deeper backbends, this class will set you a flight. Arm balances with deep hip openers will not only connect you deeper to you core but also give you the sense of flying. Come play!
Clara Roberts-Oss
This vinyasa class with Clara Roberts-Oss offers an advanced practice that will set you a flight. Blending inversions, arm balances with deep hip openers to not only connect you deeper to you core but also give you the sense of flying. Come play!