Commit To You
1 Season . 21 Episodes TV-G

It's time to re-commit to yourself, your wellness, and your sense of personal connection. Join some of Gaia's favorite teachers as they take you through a 21-day journey that will use yoga practices to help you detoxify and refocus, all while rediscovering your life's intentions.

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Day 1: Release (Preview)

It's time to re-commit to yourself, your wellness, and your sense of personal connection. Join some of Gaia's favorite teachers as they take you through a 21-day journey that will use yoga practices to help you detoxify and refocus, all while rediscovering your life's intentions.

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
53 mins TV-G
What's the first step in creating lasting change? Releasing what's not serving us. Clara Roberts-Oss guides us through a core-centered practice to build heat and begin to burn our old stories and habits.
58 mins TV-G
We get plenty of opportunities for commitment in today's practice with Shannon Paige, who takes us through a Tapas flow to burn away stagnant embodied patterns. This dynamic vinyasa class will leave you invigorated.
53 mins TV-G
Begin to surrender and trust the process as you open your heart, insert your trust, and shine your truth.
58 mins TV-G
Today's practice offers us a blank sheet of paper on which we can pen our new one. Through a fiery kundalini fusion flow with Zain Saraswati Jamal, we burn away our fears and get rid of the old stories that hold us back.
30 mins TV-G
Ashley Turner takes us through a challenging vinyasa flow full of twists and Kriyas to flush our digestive system and clear the stagnation of leftover emotions. This detoxing practice will leave you lighter, clearer and ready to move forward.
59 mins TV-G
David Magone's seriously funky flow focuses on the cultivation of a happy heart, one that's burned off what's not of service anymore. A series of white-hot balancing poses leads us into a smoldering Zen meditation in this well-rounded practice.
23 mins TV-G
Get ready to re-pattern your old ways of thinking in this fun and fast-paced class with Ashleigh Sergeant. Work up a sweat and wring out the toxins as you come to the surface of your true self.
36 mins TV-G
Use this practice to move into a calmer space, one designed to help you awaken your true self. Shannon Paige guides us on a journey through ground zero of our body's source of awakening - the core - in this dynamic vinyasa flow.
35 mins TV-G
Join Shannon Paige as she engages your body in conversation, moving skillfully as you transition from standing on two feet to one.
28 mins TV-G
Gain clarity by shedding the illusion of preconceived notions with this sensory focused practice. We gain the most clarity by tuning out our senses and tuning into the subtleties of our mind's patterns, discovering where we get stuck in old stories and habits.
20 mins TV-G
Play with elements of balance to weather the storm of your mind, accepting the reality of change to give rise to equanimity. Finding a sense of level-headedness is just one stop along the journey toward reframing your thoughts.
43 mins TV-G
A strong, well-rounded practice exploring the Hindu Trumurti philosophy, which uses imagery to bring control back to our own lives, helping us manifest the things we want and accept the things we can't change. By accepting things we cannot change (and changing the things we cannot accept), we take hold of the wheel of our own life. Choice: it's in your power.
36 mins TV-G
Today, we're focusing on changing the things in our life we can't accept. In the second step into Nico Luce's exploration of Hindu Trumurti philosophy, Nico introduces us to the concept of Vishnu and the courageous sustainability it brings us to power through the waves of change.
44 mins TV-G
In today's final exploration of the Hindu Trumurti philosophy with Nico Luce we focus on the wisdom of knowing when to let got of what's not serving us anymore and to fully remove the obstacles that stand in our way.
50 mins TV-G
In today's practice, Shannon Paige brings our attention to intention, otherwise known as Sankalpa, to remind us that our intention is only as strong as the actions that support it. Oh, snap!
30 mins TV-G
An intense kundalini style class of kriyas (actions) to help clear limiting beliefs. Move some energy through the lower chakras (energy centers) and explore being comfortable with the uncomfortable.
27 mins TV-G
Create positive change and clarity with dynamic movements and conscious breath work to invoke intuitive shifts through stimulation of the upper body chakras.
29 mins TV-G
A kundalini style practice of kriyas (actions) to help open the heart chakra. An open heart helps you draw energy toward what is real and important to you.
52 mins TV-G
Focus on the power of manifestation with energizing kriyas moving through seated, kneeling, standing, and lying down. Once you have tilled the soils of your mind in preparation for replanting, it's time to begin sowing the seeds. By releasing stuck doubts and fears, we clear the channels for the true magic to begin.
52 mins TV-G
The Sanskrit word sankalpa means "will, purpose or determination." In other words, what we dream we can manifest, and what we can manifest we can turn into our reality. In today's powerful vinyasa class with Janet Stone, we focus our prana toward our highest and deepest longing.
43 mins TV-G
This fiery practice with Clara Roberts-Oss will fuel your mantras in life and ignite your internal flame. Once burning, this flame will reveal your intentions and, more importantly, the actions needed in order to create real, lasting change.