David Magone

David Magone

David Magone is the founder of PranaVayu yoga, a Buddhist inspired school of Vinyasa yoga established in 2001.

Magone's classes have been named in Travel + Leisure Magazine's '25 Top Yoga Studios Around the World.' Known as a 'teacher's teacher,' David has been leading teacher training programs since 2005, with hundreds of graduates in the United States and most recently the Middle East.

In 2010, David Magone became one of the first western teachers authorized to teach the thousand year old practice of Mangalam Yantra yoga by Harvard University Buddhist chaplain Khenpo Lama Migmar Tseten. Mangalam Yantra yoga is a Tibetan yoga practice originally introduced by the MahaSiddha Virupa in the 10th century AD. Traditionally restricted to members of the Buddhist monastic community, Mangalam Yantra yoga helps students awaken to their innate Buddha nature through a combination of mantra, mudra, Pranayamas, and dynamic physical postures designed to release energetic blockages and obstacles to awakening.

David Magone has received a number of accolades in the press with features in Vogue Magazine UK, the Wall Street Journal, Self Magazine, Women's Health, NPR Radio and many other publications. In addition to teaching PranaVayu classes, workshops and trainings worldwide, regularly contributes to the Huffington Post Healthy Living section, Mind Body Green, and other leading national publications.

34 classes found

Daily Practices with David
A potent combination of standing poses, stretches for your hips and spine, along with Buddhist mental training exercises to develop true resilience. It’s time to learn to bend, rather than break!
Daily Practices with David
Jumpstart your day with this intermediate vinyasa class lead by David Magone.
Daily Practices with David
This short sequence is a daily source for morning inspiration, giving you time and space to unwind your spine and liberate your joints through gentle cycles of seated stretches and standing poses.
David Magone
Join David Magone for a relaxing, mindful flow, created to guide you from distorted perceptions to the truth. In this flow, you will receive less instruction, giving you more time to return mindfully to your body and breath. Become aware of your practice and enjoy the space you create mentally and physically.
David Magone
This highly detailed alignment-based flow practice will help you cut through mental clutter and reestablish clarity.
David Magone
David Magone sheds light on the only condition necessary for our own happiness – freedom.
Naljor: Exploring Your True Inner Nature
Focus on opening up to acceptance, empathy, and limitless compassion. This slow, floor-based class incorporates back-bending and twisting poses to encourage heart opening as well as liberation for the hip flexors, chest, and spine. Begin with pranayama (breath work) and ends with a 10-minute guided meditation on compassion.
Naljor: Exploring Your True Inner Nature
A gentle, seated practice with an emphasis on longer holds, deep hip opening and the cultivation of self-love and acceptance. This practice begins with guided breathing practices and concludes with a 10 minute guided meditation on loving-kindness.
Naljor: Exploring Your True Inner Nature
Part three of the Naljor series includes a full body movement practice with pranayama (breath work) for emotional clarity, strength-building standing poses and a series of floor-based stretches for hip and back mobility. Complete the practice with an expansive mantra meditation for joy.
David Magone
Give your wrists a rest as you strengthen your hips and legs, unwind your spine, and re-center your body and mind. This challenging yet relaxing practice closes with a 10-minute guided savasana.
David Magone
Cultivate a happy heart and an attitude of gratitude in this practice. Includes a pranayama (breath work) exercise to clear your mind, a challenging set of standing postures for strengthening and toning, and a short guided meditation that will help you reconnect to all of the wonderful things in your life.
David Magone
Expand your boundaries with this full body strengthening and toning practice lead by David Magone. Themed around the cultivation of a happy heart, this video will challenge you with intelligent vinyasa sequencing and a slow build up to the peak poses.
Commit To You
David Magone's seriously funky flow focuses on the cultivation of a happy heart, one that's burned off what's not of service anymore. A series of white-hot balancing poses leads us into a smoldering Zen meditation in this well-rounded practice.
David Magone
In this advanced PranaVayu style yoga practice with David Magone, David guides you through a series of advanced backbends, working up to the King Pigeon Series.
David Magone
Encourage full spinal mobility and re-energize for your day in this practice that moves through all ranges of motion of the spine with sun salutations, side bends, heart openers, and twists.
David Magone
This short vinyasa practice from David Magone will help you tone your legs and strengthen your arms.
David Magone
Get your circulation flowing in this detoxifying flow designed to clean out the cobwebs. Practice a rejuvenating pranayama practice, a short vinyasa sequence, and a final meditation.
David Magone
Stretch into bliss with this short and accessible practice from David Magone. This sequence will help you release stored up tension in your back and hips through slow static floor based stretches and the occasional flowing transition.