Nichole Golden

Nichole Golden

Nichole’s teachings stand out for their delicate balance of sweetness and the call to find depth within yourself. With over a decade of teaching experience, Nichole holds teaching certifications in vinyasa and perinatal styles and is a credentialed meditation teacher. She is also a certified birth doula and Reiki practitioner. With a presence that is both graceful and commanding, Nichole believes that transformation occurs with integrated movement alongside self-reflection. Her mission as a yoga and meditation teacher is to awaken the world to the goodness inside everyone. Along her teaching journey, she has become a passionate advocate, supporting mental health awareness and the needs of women through yoga and meditation philosophy. When practicing alongside Nichole, expect invitations to listen to your heart’s intentions while focusing on the breath, physical alignment, and gratitude. Nichole loves exploring all of the magic that nature offers with her daughter and husband near their Colorado home. Discover more about Nichole:

210 classes found

Nichole Golden
Invite joy and gratitude into your day, even (and especially) if it’s hard to find. This happiness flow draws on uplifting postures and kriya (action) that will be sure to sprinkle some joyful energy into your practice and your day. Play through lunges, twists, balancing poses, and options for challenging variations.
Nichole Golden
This invigorating practice focuses on turning on the legs and getting blood flow to the lower half of the body.
Nichole Golden
Release built-up post-baby stress with this gentle practice to help calm your nervous system. Start slow and low to the ground, then explore fluid breath-to-movement poses. Close with restorative shapes and the mantra meditation, "I am at peace."
Nichole Golden
Explore the many benefits of turning your body upside-down with accessible inversions. Cultivate new perspectives with balancing breath work, strong and stretchy poses, and handstand play using the wall.
Nichole Golden
Release accumulated social stress with a soothing flow of grounding postures, breathwork, and forward folds to decompress your nervous system. Transition from over-stimulated to soothed with this helpful practice.
Nichole Golden
This class builds from a strong foundation to prepare your body and mind to engage with more complex and challenging twisting postures. Move through a steady flow toward your peak pose, baby grasshopper.
Nichole Golden
Maintain fluidity in your spine with a powerful combination of focused movement and breath. Move methodically with detailed alignment as you work your spine in all directions.
Nichole Golden
A practice for runners to focus attention on strengthening the core and low back in order to create more stability in your running practice.
Nichole Golden
Release the muscles in your chest and strengthen the upper back to support a long lifetime of healthy posture. Bring awareness to your habitual posture and reset patterns to support optimal posture in your practice and off the mat.
Nichole Golden
Prepare your body to sit in meditation with this gentle flowing practice. Invite ease in your space to physically sustain a sitting position longer. Includes spinal movements, hip stretches, grounded standing poses, and back strengthening before sitting in a moment of meditation.
Nichole Golden
Keep your body in balance between runs by creating space and strength in your upper back and shoulders. Use this newfound space to breath deeper, so you can continue to go the distance.
Nichole Golden
Lengthen and stretch all the major muscle lines of the body. Flow through movements for your hamstrings, hips, shoulders, sides of your torso, chest, and low back to create space throughout your body. Close the practice with a breath practice to encourage space for your sweet savasana.
Nichole Golden
Strengthen self-awareness with this slow, mindful flow filled with curiosity and kindness. Through heightened perception we create — and hopefully widen! — gaps between stimuli and our reactions to them. Explore poses to evoke sensation like toes pose, half splits, and balancing poses, then close with seated savasana.
Nichole Golden
Start your day with breath and movement to cultivate “buzzy” energy. Flow through a well-rounded practice of lunges, spinal movements, and warrior poses to move the stagnation of sleep and open all directions of your body.
Nichole Golden
Release tension from your day and find total body balance through this fluid, feel-good practice. Focus on equal parts stabilizing and stretching to support your transition from day into night. Close with pranayama (breath work) and an extended savasana.
Nichole Golden
Dedicated to feeling hopeful in times of despair. Move through gentle chest stretches and upper back openers as you breathe deeply into your heart space. Fill up with hope so you can step back into your day with a fresh perspective.
Nichole Golden
A practice to physically and energetically nurture your capacity to create strong, healthy boundaries and to assert them from a compassionate place. Invite a courageous mudra (hand gesture), flowing movements, and reminders of your personal boundary, what you allow inside, and practice saying "no."
Nichole Golden
Build vibrancy in your life through fluid movement, visualization, and breath. Use standing poses to remember your strength and vitality, then play with headstand before cooling down with stretchy poses.