Nichole Golden

Nichole Golden

Nichole’s teachings stand out for their delicate balance of sweetness and the call to find depth within yourself. With over a decade of teaching experience, Nichole holds teaching certifications in vinyasa and perinatal styles and is a credentialed meditation teacher. She is also a certified birth doula and Reiki practitioner. With a presence that is both graceful and commanding, Nichole believes that transformation occurs with integrated movement alongside self-reflection. Her mission as a yoga and meditation teacher is to awaken the world to the goodness inside everyone. Along her teaching journey, she has become a passionate advocate, supporting mental health awareness and the needs of women through yoga and meditation philosophy. When practicing alongside Nichole, expect invitations to listen to your heart’s intentions while focusing on the breath, physical alignment, and gratitude. Nichole loves exploring all of the magic that nature offers with her daughter and husband near their Colorado home. Discover more about Nichole:

200 classes found

Yoga Every Day
Freedom is about flowing towards what feels good and releasing what doesn't. This practice moves through a variety of deep hip openers, both standing and seated.
Yoga Every Day
Explore freedom in the lower half of your body by creating space and movement into the legs, hips, and feet. This gentle practice is full of standing and seated postures.
Yoga Every Day
Learn how cit (consciousness) embeds in your heart in this practice. Bring your attention outward with backbends, like floor bow (dhanurasana) and spinal twists, while closing out with a deep conscious heart meditation.
Yoga Every Day
Understand how cit (consciousness) embeds in your physical body in this short practice. Bring specific awareness to your hips and shoulders through variations of pigeon (eka pada rajakapotasana) and eagle arms (garudasana).
Yoga Every Day
This well-rounded practice works on the physical body through asana (movement) and the pranic (energy) body through pranayama (mindful breath) to prepare us to to embody cit (consciousness). Prepare for halasana (plow pose), shoulder stand, and reverse plank through spinal warm-up and nadi shadhana (alternate nostril breath). Attune to sensations in the body and breath and welcome whatever arises in the mind.
Yoga Every Day
Explore one of the seven aspects of the divine as we come into embodied understanding of conscious awareness (cit). Through purposeful movement and intention-setting, weave the threads of your higher self into the fabric of your life, remembering that we too are just refractions of the divine.
Yoga Every Day
Soften any attachment to egotistical tendencies through a series of floor poses that open the hips and hamstrings.
Yoga Every Day
In our continued exploration of aparigraha (non-attachment), we will begin to strip away all of our identities: both personally and professionally, individually and collectively.
Yoga Every Day
Aparigraha is a Sanskrit word that means non-grasping. Unravel any tightly-wound attachment we hold to the outcome of our practice, achievement of goals in our lives, and the ways in which we identify ourselves in the world. With backbending postures such as locust (salabhasana) and chest expansions, this practice is an offering of letting go of what clogs us, whether it be a desire for material objects or constrictive ideas. By releasing our possessiveness, we are able to fully show up in the world with a sense of abundance.
Yoga Every Day
Embody truth with a short call and response chant in Sanskrit and yoga postures designed to open your shoulders and heart center.
Yoga Every Day
Discover the truth (satya) that lies underneath the ego in this balancing practice. Begin with hamstring stretches before blossoming into a short standing balancing sequence.
Yoga Every Day
Backbends help to discover where truth lives in our bodies, from the throat to the heart to the hips. Explore a variety of back-bending and hip opening postures in this practice.
Yoga Every Day
Use your practice as a tool to tap into satya, a yogic concept ruling truthfulness. Explore false judgements by deliberately releasing tension and emotions stuck in your hips and shoulders.
Yoga Every Day
Svadhyaya (self-reflection) increase our capacity to grow into the best version of ourselves. In this practice, we will open up space in our legs to expand.
Yoga Every Day
It’s important to remember that self-reflection is not self-deprecation. In this heart-opening class, learn to let the light of self-study illuminate the areas of your being that you might usually see with darkness.
Yoga Every Day
Explore the journey of svadhyaya (self-reflection) in this easeful practice focused on cultivating the witness within.
Yoga Every Day
Practice the yogic art of self-reflection by turning your gaze inward as you move mindfully through poses with a deep connection to your breath.
Yoga Every Day
Locate the divine nature of your heart while exploring the generous spirit that we live, breathe, and embody. Open your heart to grace through spinal movements, shoulder openers, grounded hip openers, heart openers, and balancing variations of half moon and sugarcane.