Nichole Golden

Nichole Golden

Nichole’s teachings stand out for their delicate balance of sweetness and the call to find depth within yourself. With over a decade of teaching experience, Nichole holds teaching certifications in vinyasa and perinatal styles and is a credentialed meditation teacher. She is also a certified birth doula and Reiki practitioner. With a presence that is both graceful and commanding, Nichole believes that transformation occurs with integrated movement alongside self-reflection. Her mission as a yoga and meditation teacher is to awaken the world to the goodness inside everyone. Along her teaching journey, she has become a passionate advocate, supporting mental health awareness and the needs of women through yoga and meditation philosophy. When practicing alongside Nichole, expect invitations to listen to your heart’s intentions while focusing on the breath, physical alignment, and gratitude. Nichole loves exploring all of the magic that nature offers with her daughter and husband near their Colorado home. Discover more about Nichole:

210 classes found

Nichole Golden
Start your day with fluidity into your hips and removing any stagnation or stiffness experienced in your hip joints after waking up.
Nichole Golden
Create flexibility throughout your entire spine as you release tension in areas of the spine that commonly need some extra TLC. A great go-to practice after a long day seated or standing.
Nichole Golden
An active, continuous movement flow to facilitate communication between the body, mind, and spirit. Explore fluid spinal movements, heart openers, sun salutations, and quad stretches, working toward variations of ardha chandra chapasana (sugarcane pose).
Nichole Golden
Harness the energy of Spring with this mindful practice by using intention and movement as a means of planting and nourishing sacred seeds for positive growth. Includes gentle backbends, lunges, and balancing poses.
Nichole Golden
Stretch and strengthen the hips and glutes to improve the quality of your running practice. Feel into common tight areas for runners including the hip flexors, psoas, and quads while strengthening the muscles that support running function.
Nichole Golden
A mini flow to prepare for the transition from winter to spring. Designed to detoxify the physical and mental bodies. Focus on twist variations to rinse your internal system, standing poses, binds, and finish with your heart wide open in wild thing.
Nichole Golden
Get the most out of restful moments with an evening practice designed for new moms looking for a great sleep. Gently move through hip openers, forward folds, twists, and spinal releases, then close your practice with legs up the wall.
Nichole Golden
Find a quick “yoga buzz” with Nichole Golden in this short, standing practice that flows through dynamic shapes, twists, folds, and heart-openers.
Nichole Golden
Awaken your heart and hips through this sweet, energizing morning flow. Ignite your quads, move your spine, and find balance in kneeling and standing shapes for a bright start to your day.
Nichole Golden
Set and anchor your intention through this quick practice of backbends and hamstring openers.
Nichole Golden
Start your morning slowly and mindfully while progressing through a series of poses that build from simple and gentle to complex and rigorous. Begin and end this practice in savasana, and in between move through hamstring stretches, twists, heart openers, lunges, and balancing.
Nichole Golden
Stretch and strengthen the muscles supporting your spine in this short practice to encourage healthy posture.
Nichole Golden
Get your blood pumping and breath flowing to awaken your sleepy morning mind. This quick flow begins and ends standing, and includes shapes to awaken your spine, hips, and shoulders.
Nichole Golden
A gentle yet efficient morning practice with a focus on shoulder mobility. Begin belly-down and rise to kneeling and seated postures in this moderately-paced flow.
Nichole Golden
A gentle flow to navigate back to lightness and balance after the physical and emotional stimulation of the holidays. Begin lying down on the mat and move through twists, backbends, hip-openers, and hip flexor stretches.
Nichole Golden
A vigorous vinyasa flow designed to help you begin your day with energy, strength, and openness. This balanced practice begins and ends standing, and includes spinal movement, balancing, hamstring stretching, and hip openers.
Yoga Every Day
A gentle practice to release tension stored in your neck and shoulders. Open up to face the day with more freedom and ease!
Yoga Every Day
Explore movement in your spine with some side body stretches, twists, and a few backbends.