Nichole Golden

Nichole Golden

Nichole’s teachings stand out for their delicate balance of sweetness and the call to find depth within yourself. With over a decade of teaching experience, Nichole holds teaching certifications in vinyasa and perinatal styles and is a credentialed meditation teacher. She is also a certified birth doula and Reiki practitioner. With a presence that is both graceful and commanding, Nichole believes that transformation occurs with integrated movement alongside self-reflection. Her mission as a yoga and meditation teacher is to awaken the world to the goodness inside everyone. Along her teaching journey, she has become a passionate advocate, supporting mental health awareness and the needs of women through yoga and meditation philosophy. When practicing alongside Nichole, expect invitations to listen to your heart’s intentions while focusing on the breath, physical alignment, and gratitude. Nichole loves exploring all of the magic that nature offers with her daughter and husband near their Colorado home. Discover more about Nichole:

200 classes found

Yoga Every Day
Cultivate a peaceful and happy state in this hip-focused practice. While the asanas (poses) might be challenging at times, the goal of the class is to learn how to calmly cope with triggers that incite physical and mental unrest or stress.
Yoga Every Day
This practice is designed to bring you into a state of sacred communion with yourself. True reflection is relationship and, when it’s done honestly and kindly, you can learn how to engage and relate in all areas of your life. Use your time on the mat today to have a conversation with your body and breath, allowing this sacred relationship to develop.
Yoga Every Day
Using backbends, this practice will remind you to see yourself through the loving eyes of your heart, rather than the critical, self-sabotaging voice we so often hear. Explore backbending postures that help you open up into dancer's pose (natarajasana).
Yoga Every Day
The tools of pranayama (breath) and asana (pose) help you see yourself in a new way. As you move in and out of lunging poses, remember to reflect from a neutral perspective.
Sunrise Yoga
Start your day with this sweet vinyasa practice with Nichole, reminding yourself that each day is an opportunity to begin again.
Yoga Every Day
Celebrate the spring season with an opportunity to drink in life’s beautiful nectar. Through twists, side body stretches, and backbends such as camel pose (ustrasana), feel the awakened spirit within your body.
Yoga Every Day
Focus on poses that embody the zestful energy of reaching towards light and the celebration of spring. Explore heart opening postures and twists to help you reawaken your spirit.
Yoga Every Day
Experience your body's life force with a flowing practice of lunges and a pranayama (breath) practice.
Yoga Every Day
Be inspired by spring and use this practice as an opportunity to water and nurture the tiny blooms that are waiting to burst open inside of you. Using poses that will open your hamstrings, such as standing splits and full splits (hanumanasana), leave your mat feeling renewed and refreshed.
Yoga Every Day
This practice is designed to help you transition steadily and mindfully from winter’s hibernation to springtime growth. Using a sequence of mild backbends, begin to open yourself up to the warm and elevated energy of the season.
Sunrise Yoga
Lure yourself out of rest with this gently flowing class. Focus on the sacredness of all transitions, both on your mat and in your day. Use this class to nudge yourself into a beautiful new day!
Yoga Every Day
This practice is designed to push you so that you can be curious about new horizons in challenging postures, such as candy cane pose (ardha chandra chapasana) and side plank (vashistasana). Growth is not determined by accomplishing set goals, but is rather about moving slightly past your edge of comfort and seeing what you discover.
Sunrise Yoga
Cultivate an uplifted aliveness to permeate every moment of the day. Set the tone for a brilliant and beautiful day.
Yoga Every Day
Use this practice to uncover samskaras - habitual tendencies - in your life. Notice your habits with a mixture of seated and standing poses culminating in half moon. Examine where you feel challenged and how you can use that feeling of discomfort to discover new growth.
Yoga Every Day
Challenge yourself in today’s practice to not be limited by the assumptions of the ego. Push the envelope of your understanding and expand your mind’s awareness as you rediscover the potency of your yoga practice.
Yoga Every Day
Take a look at the key actions behind two challenging poses: half moon (ardha chandrasana) and side plank (vasisthasana). By understanding integral alignment pieces you can facilitate a healthy expression of both of these peak postures.
Yoga Every Day
Svadhyaya, or self-study, is a yogic concept that is crucial to personal growth and witnessing how your body receives postures. Explore a vareity of standing postures, such as wide-legged forward fold (prasarita) and triangle pose (trikonasana), while working toward half moon pose (ardha chandrasana) at the wall.
Sunrise Yoga
Struggle getting up in the morning? This carefully crafted morning ritual practice will help to gently wake up, awakend from the sleepy cocoon, and preparing for a beautiful day.