Steph Schwartz

Steph Schwartz

Steph Trinidad, formerly Schwartz, weaves yogic storytelling into feel-good flows that unlock hearts and inspire souls. With 17+ years of teaching experience, Steph draws heavily from the devotional qualities of Bhakti yoga combined with the fluid and physical aspects of vinyasa. Steph masterfully translates yogic philosophy through mantra (chanting) and is deeply connected to her kirtan community. She also knows how to move with heat-building mandala flows woven with humor and compassion to maintain presence. Practitioners can expect concise alignment cues delivered with a poetic understanding of the human body and its superhuman capabilities. Her path to yoga started off the mat and on the road as an ultra marathon runner, where she found yoga as an injury prevention tool and mental stamina practice to help her go the distance. Steph is also a skydiving enthusiast, BASE flyer, and dog parent to Boogie and Diggit. Discover more about Steph:

277 classes found

Steph Schwartz
Slow down with this soothing practice for women to help relieve tension and discomfort at the beginning of your cycle. Begin lying on your back in a gentle twist, then move through lunges and gentle backbends and forward folds.
Steph Schwartz
Whether you feel ready for full splits pose or not, this flow will open up your hips, hamstrings, and quads to help you along the journey. Begin seated to chant the bija mantra (seed sound) YAM, and tap into your superpower, then warm up the hips and spine in table top, and move toward Hanumanasana. Complete the practice with a personal mantra to remind you of your awesomeness.
Steph Schwartz
A well-rounded flow to bring ease and rejuvenation to the body, mind, and spirit. Start lying down to explore twists, then move into standing poses for a balanced full body practice.
Steph Schwartz
Take a break from work with this well-rounded, accessible slow flow. With lots of options for practicing in a small space (office, cubicle, etc.), move through standing stretches for the shoulders, spine, hips, and low back.
Steph Schwartz
Spin circles on your mat and get twisted with this well-rounded mandala-style flow. Open with a chant of the bija mantra (seed sound) "yam" before moving into the physical practice full of stretchy, strengthening twists leading to a fun variation of side crow.
Steph Schwartz
Fire up and move stress out of your body. Start with breathwork and powerful hasta mudras (hand gestures) to move stuck energy out of your system. Build heat as you activate your core, hips, and legs with options for arm balances.
Steph Schwartz
Find a calm, fluid breath-to-movement flow to ease symptoms of anxiety that live in the body and mind. This gentle flow moves through gentle heart, hip, and hamstring openers in a holistic approach to anxiety relief.
Steph Schwartz
Find stability in times of uncertainty with this flow for the root energy center, or muladhara (mula = root, adhara = support/base) chakra. The root chakra awakens our primal nature of survival skills and safety as we flow through grounded postures including sun salutations and balancing poses.
Steph Schwartz
A slo-mo flow class with a focus on the sigh at the end of the exhale. Use this practice to gently release any stress and to bring peaceful relief to your whole system.
Steph Schwartz
Use some tricks to focus the mind, create a positive affirmation, and center in the body to get reinspired for your run. Play with apana mudra (a grounding hand gesture) and movements for hips, hamstrings, and calves.
Steph Schwartz
An accessible, continuous mandala flow that will have you making circles on your mat! The unpredictability of the flow will help you forget about whatever is weighing you down today...and instead find peace through presence.
Steph Schwartz
This continuous flow is a full-body tune-up to release stress and promote immunity. Yoga helps keep your whole system healthy, even when you’re stressed. Less stress means less inflammation; less inflammation means you’re supporting your optimal wellness for body and mind.
Steph Schwartz
A mindful flow to help the whole body feel more spacious and balanced. Open with intention and optional chanting of OM, then explore stretchy shapes for the neck, shoulders, and spine.
Steph Schwartz
Combine equal parts strengthening and stretching in your outer hips and glutes as a compliment to your running activities. Work on external rotation, hip joint mobility, as well as tension release in your calf muscles. Make this your go-to daily run companion.
Steph Schwartz
Step into the heat of the practice with movement, breathwork, and mudras for focus. Open with chanting OM, kapalabhati (skull-shining) breath, and active movement. Leave feeling reinvigorated and inspired.
Steph Schwartz
Yoga increases oxygen and blood flow to the brain to help diminish pain and discomfort. Enjoy this gentle, flowing sequence as a helpful practice for PMS-related headaches.
Steph Schwartz
Invite strength and courage with a strong mudra (hand gesture), the mantra "I am strong and confident," and grounded standing poses to encourage physical and mental strength.
Steph Schwartz
Yoga helps us become better friends with ourselves with awareness, kindness, and gratitude. Detox physically and emotionally in this dance between breath and body, and infuse the practice with a personal gratitude mantra. Begin with a mudra (hand gesture) and the mantra “yam” for the heart chakra (energy center), then move into a well-rounded flow full of twists and backbends.