Chakra Balancing and Wellbeing

Chakra Balancing and Wellbeing

Meditation isn’t always for the purpose of moving into quiet states of stillness. We can use meditation practice as a way to check in with ourselves and better direct our energy. Guided meditations are an awareness tool that allows us to be in conscious, present creation with ourselves.

What Are Chakras?

Chakras are points where the energetic and physical bodies meet. Imagine chakras like wheels constantly in motion. If these wheels are “stuck,” energy cannot move and we might feel out of whack. Located in the subtle body, there are hundreds of chakras, although the primary seven from the Muladhara system are where the most focus is given.

These main seven chakras are:

  • Root – base of spine – Muladhara – red
  • Sacral – below the naval – Svadisthana – orange
  • Solar Plexus – above navel – Manipura — yellow
  • Heart – heart, center of chest – Anahata — green
  • Throat – throat – Visuddha —blue
  • 3rd eye — at forehead between the eyes — Ajna — indigo
  • Crown— top of head — Sahasrara — violet

Chakra Color Variations

This modern-day chakra color system comes from the cover of a 1977 out-of-print book by Christopher Hills. If this system works for you, go with it. However, if you discover that your root chakra is another color, go with that. When I visualize my root chakra color as red, for instance, I feel antsy and uncomfortable. When I place gold there, I feel peaceful and relaxed. Play with the colors and find that which supports you. It’s also perfectly fine if you don’t see or experience any color at all.

Chakras and the Spine

We need to understand the physical importance of our spine, which is a framework for the nervous system, while giving structure to the body. The spine is also an important facet of spiritual health — many traditions regard the spine with significance, as it is the main channel through which all subtle energies flow.

The spine holds important codes for our soul’s potential, as our latent DNA/RNA pulsates within. When we learn to be in tune with our spinal health, a wealth of information is available, which can help us better masters ourselves.

Sitting with a straight spine is crucial, but it should be exercised at your own level of comfort. When we lengthen the spine, it is easier to connect with cosmic and Earth energies. Do not make yourself uncomfortable by trying to maintain a “straight spine.” Any preoccupation with form will only distract and nullify any healing effects.


Seeing chakras is a marvelous gift, but not something all are able to do. When we use the word “visualize,” imagine feeling and experiencing, rather than seeing. Psychic senses are elusive, and many psychics are unable to “see,” but use other methods of perception instead.

Feel the color, shape, and texture of each chakra. Engage other senses to navigate, and don’t get hung up on the word “visualize.”

Chakra Meditation

This is an easy, accessible way to move energy and connect to the subtle body.

How to Align Your Chakras with Meditation

  • Sit comfortably with your spine lengthened and begin to breathe deeply but gently. Close your eyes to bless yourself with total presence during this meditation.
  • Imagine a brown (or black) ball of energy at your feet. Breathe with it and allow it to expand to the size of a beach ball. This is the Earth Star Chakra and will begin to help you pulsate with the heartbeat of the Earth.
  • Moving into your body, bring your attention to your Root Chakra. For some of us, this is at the perineum, for others its between the thighs. Feel and trust your own way!
  • See the Root Chakra as a red glowing orb. Feel with it gradually and expand, it to the size of a beach ball.
  • Bringing your attention to your Sacral Chakra, feel the warm orange glow, and expand or decrease it to match the size of the other two.
  • Continue moving up your body to the Solar Plexus Chakra and allow the warmth of the sun to charge this yellow chakra. Expand its size to be in alignment with those already balanced below.
  • Feel the inviting green of your Heart Chakra and breathe into it until it too is a consistent size.
  • Bring yourself to the blue of your Throat Chakra, breathing with it until its size matches those below.
  • The 3rd Eye Chakra will emit an indigo-colored light, deeper and more powerful than the blue of your throat. This one may take a bit more care and patience or, in the case of highly sensitive people, it may be noticeably out of whack with the others. Be patient as it comes into alignment with the other chakras.
  • Drifting upward to the Crown Chakra, feel the vibrant violet that resides there. Effortlessly allow its size to match that of the others.
  • The platinum (white or gold) light will be our final place of attention. Residing about six inches above the Crown Chakra, this chakra connects us to the galactic realms, giving us a direct connection with our deeper soul. Be with it until it too reaches the size of the others.
  • With all chakras balanced, thank yourself for this loving attention you have just shared. Commit yourself to be more present with these energies.
  • Gently open your eyes, and carry on with the ways of feeling more of yourself present in the world!

As you deepen your chakra meditations, you will experience more of your truth. Befriend the wisdom of each energy center, and allow yourself to embody if even for a moment, the frequency you’re perceiving. What may initially be a simple exercise could form the basis of a whole new path of experience.

Chakras: What They Don’t Tell You at Yoga Class

Six blind men lived in a village. One day a villager said, “Wow, there’s an elephant here today!” The blind men had never experienced “elephant.” After conferring, they decided to go touch the elephant and find out what the excitement was about. They gathered around the beast and each took hold of a different part.

The blind man holding the elephant’s leg said, “Hey, this elephant is like a pillar.”

Another, holding the tail, said, “No no! It’s like a rope.”

The third, touching the elephant’s trunk, said, “You’re both wrong — the elephant is like a thick tree branch.”

Another, holding the elephant’s ear, said, “It’s like a big banana leaf.”

“No. It’s like a huge wall,” said the blind man touching the elephant’s side. At this point one can only wonder at the patience of this elephant.


watercolor elephant 2

The sixth blind man said, “You’re all wrong. An elephant is like a solid pipe.” He was touching the elephant’s tusk, perhaps just prior to the elephant using it to toss the him over its shoulder.

Aside from the ensuing arguments about who was “right,” each blind man was correct in his perception — there was truth in each experience. In the Jain tradition, it is said the truth can be stated in seven versions or points of view, and the lesson is to be tolerant of the experiences and perceptions of others.

Thus it is with chakras. We’re like blind men with an elephant — each with our own view of the chakra system based on experience, exposure, what we’ve seen, read, heard, or been told — but ironically, it is the cherished belief in our “rightness” (about virtually anything) that ultimately blocks the development and unfolding of the subtle body’s energy centers. Defending any position can launch us into a state of emotional reactivity — the kryptonite of spiritual evolution.

“In different traditions, one can find wheels, flowers, angels, animals, animal parts, geometric shapes, children, the seven dwarves, deities, buddhas, yantras, or mandalas. But in fact, across the board, believing in any judgements which give rise to emotional reactivity is the one sure way to ‘block’ the performance of a chakra,” said Lar C. Short, author of The Way of Radiance and co-author of The Body of Light. By referring to the “performance” of a chakra, Short distinguishes these centers as activities (verbs) rather than things (nouns).

So gentle seeker, or finder as the case may be, suspend disbelief for this exploration of the paradoxical human chakra energetic system.

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