Steph Schwartz

Steph Schwartz

Steph Trinidad, formerly Schwartz, weaves yogic storytelling into feel-good flows that unlock hearts and inspire souls. With 17+ years of teaching experience, Steph draws heavily from the devotional qualities of Bhakti yoga combined with the fluid and physical aspects of vinyasa. Steph masterfully translates yogic philosophy through mantra (chanting) and is deeply connected to her kirtan community. She also knows how to move with heat-building mandala flows woven with humor and compassion to maintain presence. Practitioners can expect concise alignment cues delivered with a poetic understanding of the human body and its superhuman capabilities. Her path to yoga started off the mat and on the road as an ultra marathon runner, where she found yoga as an injury prevention tool and mental stamina practice to help her go the distance. Steph is also a skydiving enthusiast, BASE flyer, and dog parent to Boogie and Diggit. Discover more about Steph:

277 classes found

Yoga Every Day
Elevate your state of being with this garuda (eagle) mudra (hand gesture) practice. Invite in an intention of self love as you gently recirculate energy throughout your body in this practice.
Yoga Every Day
A seated deep hip opening practice including shambhavi mudra (third-eye gaze), breath, intention, and meditation to bring awareness to the deeper wisdom of the body and the heart.
Yoga Every Day
Flow through this mandala practice, opening the hips and dropping into the breath moment by moment. Expand your awareness beyond the perceived limitations of your body.
Yoga Every Day
Release the stories of who we think we are. Use intention-setting as a reminder to lay down old narratives of ourselves and drop into just being, remembering we are a part of something much bigger.
Yoga Every Day
In this focused and intentional sequence, begin with a short seated meditation followed by a slow and mindful whole body flow allowing us to stay aware throughout the practice. Recognize the spaces in between the breaths, the gap between the thoughts.
Yoga Every Day
Enjoy an energizing pick-me-up through pranayama (breath work), mindful movement, hip openers, twists, and standing folds to awaken the mind and body.
Yoga Every Day
Explore what it's like to get out of your head and back into your body. This practice includes a simple sequence that focuses on your hips and using the breath to help reshape the form.
Yoga Every Day
Utilize forward folds to rejuvenate back into your body and your breath. Set a nourishing intention (a commitment to radical self-care), and relax into a nourishing series of forward folds.
Yoga Every Day
Explore the calming benefits as you re-introduces ujjayi pranayama (victorious breath) into your practice. Incorporate the awareness of breath with slow movement in your practice to create stillness and presence amidst the flow of life.
Yoga Every Day
Use the simple mantra of ‘Om’ to take a brain break in this gentle practice. This mantra will be infused throughout the practice to help the mind get more present into the body.
Yoga Every Day
The warrior spirit, as drawn from the goddess Durga, is simultaneously strong and vulnerable. Begin with the intention of softening your heart towards someone - maybe yourself. Then focus to balancing both the solid and softer aspects of the body. The warrior path shows us how to soften our heart when we are getting triggered the most, instead of reacting.
Yoga Every Day
Help yourself feel the abundance of being alive in each moment. Lakshmi is the deity of abundance. Through the use of an abundance mudra (hand gesture), a gratitude mantra, and breath-to-movement flow, experience a deeper connection to each moment and an appreciation for some aspect of your life.
Yoga Every Day
Krishna reminds us to open our hearts to ourselves. Begin this practice with an intention directed toward self-love and self-acceptance, then moves through postures that encourage the heart to open.
Yoga Every Day
Invite spaciousness into the poses through exploration of breath. Shiva, the great meditator, shows us how to find a still point of focus, which feels much like the spaciousness of the blue sky or the vastness of the ocean.
Yoga Every Day
This practice draws from the deity Ganesha while focusing on the foundational aspects of the body as well as connecting to the playful nature of yoga.
Yoga Every Day
Begin with a chant to the divine feminine, followed by poses to open your hips and hamstrings. Contemplate when you can use effort and when to find more ease throughout the practice.
Yoga Every Day
Bring peace to your flow and experience the importance of engaging breath to movement as you transition from posture to posture to stay in the moment.
Yoga Every Day
This practice is a dedication to pranayama (breath). Explore victorious breath (ujjayi) as well as alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodhana) to allow your body to learn something new from these powerful breaths.