Rodney Yee

Rodney Yee

Rodney Yee is a celebrated yoga teacher who began his practice in 1980 and has become a key figure in the American yoga landscape. Known for his ability to merge the physical and philosophical aspects of yoga, Rodney aims to reveal the natural beauty of the spirit through movement. Alongside his wife, Colleen Saidman Yee, he developed the Gaia Yoga Studio, which focuses on making yoga accessible for home practice.

Rodney’s teaching style is heavily influenced by his personal practice and intuition, as well as his deep exploration of Iyengar Yoga. He built a strong foundation in Iyengar Yoga under the guidance of renowned teachers, including Donald Moyer. This tradition’s emphasis on alignment, sequencing, and timing continues to shape his approach, making his classes accessible and profound for practitioners of all levels.

Throughout his career, Rodney has been dedicated to expanding the reach of yoga beyond the studio. He has created numerous video titles, narrated mediation audio recordings, and written two books, allowing people to experience his teachings. globally. As a co-chair of the Urban Zen Health and Wellness Initiative, Rodney also works to bring the healing benefits of yoga and holistic practices into hospitals and other care settings.

Education Rodney Yee studied Philosophy and Physical Therapy at U.C. Davis and U.C. Berkeley. He learned from influential teachers, including Donald Moyer, Manouso Manos, and Ramanand Patel.


Rodney was a ballet dancer with the Oakland Ballet Company and Matsuyama Dance Company of Tokyo. He co-founded Piedmont Yoga Studio in Oakland, CA, in 1987. He developed Gaia Yoga Studio with his wife, Colleen, and partnered with Donna Karan to establish UZIT LLC (Urban Zen Integrative Therapy), blending Yoga, Reiki, Essential Oils, and Meditation. He is a co-chair of the Urban Zen Health and Wellness Initiative, a foundation promoting yoga and holistic therapies in hospitals nationwide.


Rodney has authored books like "Yoga, The Poetry of the Body" (2002) and "Moving Toward Balance" (2004). He appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Live with Kelly and Mark, CNN, and PBS. Rodney has starred in instructional videos, such as "Gaiam: Rodney Yee Yoga for Energy and Stress Relief" and "Living Yoga: Abs Yoga for Beginners." He was featured on the cover of Yoga Journal and appeared in the 2007 documentary "Yoga, Inc."

155 classes found

Yoga Conversations with Rodney Yee
Take a glimpse into this series with Rodney Yee and a variety of guests. Learn more about yoga from the lens of yoga masters.
Yoga Every Day
A short practice to open and release your body from head to toe. Work into standing postures like revolved triangle, utilizing the practice for self-realization and creating bliss in the body and mind.
Yoga Every Day
Literally translated, “asana” means “to find a seat.” This practice is seated,while exploring hip openers and ultimately work towards lotus pose (padmasana).
Yoga Every Day
With your breath as a gauge, you can explore how much effort you actually need while you move through a vigorous and playful vinyasa class.
Yoga Every Day
Expand your upper body, explore variations of common poses leading up to a challenging balances pose, then close with stretches for your hamstrings. The suspension of the torso is the key behind freeing your breath. When you learn how to float your torso, both on and off the mat, you discover what it feels like to truly open up and allow the breath in.
Yoga Every Day
Explore how opposites are experienced in yoga, moving through a sequence of standing and seated postures. As you work through the practice, notice how the strongest foundations are those that allow the most growth. The word “hatha” itself integrates two opposites, the sun and the moon, creating the basis for the practice. What is moving up? What is moving down? What is light? What is heavy?
The Next Step
Yoga Talks with Rodney & Colleen
Rodney and Colleen discuss what comes after you complete the Yoga Foundations Guide and offer inspiration to help you continue practicing yoga.
Yoga Foundations
Enjoy a well-rounded practice that starts with seated twists and moves onto some big standing poses and breath-to-movement. Close the practice with a short meditation.
Yoga Foundations
A foundational flow offering perserverence into your arm balances and inversions. Open your hips, build strength in your core, and explore challenging postures designed to prep your body for handstand and crow pose.
Yoga Foundations
Explore prep poses for inversions and arm balances to increase your agility and flexibility. Learn to enjoy challenges as you re-orient your body and mind.
Yoga Foundations
Refine your practice by learning the healthy and safe way to prepare for more challenging poses. Break poses down and discover patterns so that even seemingly difficult poses become more approachable.
Yoga for Life
Yoga Talks with Rodney & Colleen
Colleen shares how she has seen yoga help people in many aspects of their lives, including managing their overall health.
Exploring Your Limits
Yoga Talks with Rodney & Colleen
Colleen and Rodney discuss how to practice yoga within your own physical limits.
Yoga Foundations
Cultivate patience and relaxation with an exploration of closed twists and forward bends. Shift your reflection inward by exploring standing and seated poses taught with many accessible variations.
Yoga Foundations
Refine your understanding of the architecture and movement of the physical body by focusing on subtle aspects of closed twists and forward bends.
Yoga Foundations
A flow to stimulate the organs, intestines, and spine to create heat and encourage purification. Explore a variety of twists and forward folds.
Why Do We Say Namaste?
Yoga Talks with Rodney & Colleen
Why do we bow and say Namaste during a yoga class? Rodney and Colleen discuss the various meanings of the word used to share a heart connection with fellow yogis.