Yoga Every Day
Season 12 . 18 Episodes TV-G

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. With over 400, complete, 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

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Stillness and Insight (Preview)

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. With over 400, complete, 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

Not sure where to start? Yoga is a journey! We recommend trying a few teachers and focuses so you can begin to build a playlist of familiar practices and discover the instruction style that works for you.

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Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
19 mins TV-G
A gentle flow to explore the importance of withdrawing your senses. By quieting your senses, learn to step away from your ego and instead hear more clearly the needs of your heart and soul.
16 mins TV-G
Use twists and hip-focused asanas to celebrate shakti’s ability to allow a feeling of overwhelming joy and gratitude. Using a personal gratitude mantra in class will help you get even deeper in this short but potent practice.
16 mins TV-G
A powerful goddess of protection and inner strength, Durga overcomes negative forces while simultaneously driving spiritual awakenings. Explore a strength-building practice laced in spirituality and close with a mantra meditation.
17 mins TV-G
Explore shakti in the form of the goddess Saraswati as you enjoy poses focused on hips and hamstrings. Saraswati gives us the power of discernment and the ability to see the truth beyond the confusion.
17 mins TV-G
Put shakti (power) in action in this practice by harnessing the power of the goddess Kali. This carefully sequenced class is designed to help you remove negative tendencies, creating space for new, brighter beginnings.
17 mins TV-G
One of the most beautiful aspects of having a yoga practice is that you can show up just as you are each day. This bliss-filled practice asks you to show up and feel that your yoga practice is always open to you, completely free from judgment and expectation.
18 mins TV-G
Invite peace of knowing that everything in your life is in divine alignment. By recognizing that you are right where you need to be, right now, you begin to trust the sacred orientation of life. Explore a variety of backbends and balance to find the trust.
16 mins TV-G
The mind's natural tendency is to seek out pleasure and run from pain, but by learning how to love what is, you can begin to live life in a true state of joy. This practice of backbends, heart openers, and strength building poses invite you to embrace the whole experience, leaving nothing behind.
16 mins TV-G
Attempt a playful arm balance and open your hips to let go of some of the seriousness of life.
17 mins TV-G
Release some tension from your neck and shoulders with a simple sequence. Internally, consider what it means to have faith in the unfolding of your life.
16 mins TV-G
Awaken peace inside the body and heart with this backbend-focused practice. End class with a mantra meditation designed to act as a vehicle to transport your mind deep into the center of your heart.
18 mins TV-G
Resilience is one of the many lessons of yoga. Remind yourself to be unapologetic in who you are and where you are on your path in this practice as you explore flexibility in the hamstrings and hips.
15 mins TV-G
Commit to smiling more in your practice and day as you target your hamstrings, hips, and tthe space around your heart. Explore wide leg forward folds (prasarita) and preparation toward crow pose (bakasana).
17 mins TV-G
Using a short meditation and heart opening postures, this practice will help you find more peace within your heart. The result is an ability to deepen the love and acceptance you feel for yourself, using the mantra: 'Thank you. I forgive you. I accept you. I love you.'
15 mins TV-G
Practice turning your gaze inward while moving through poses that encourage introspection and focus.
16 mins TV-G
Increase the potency of your practice by learning the traditional drishti (focus). Your focused gaze can drop you into a deeper, more meaningful space for your practice.
16 mins TV-G
Bring your gaze downward in this sweet practice to root your energy and focus. Anchor yourself in standing balancing postures and backbends through the power ofyour gaze (drishti).
17 mins TV-G
While life gives us so many opportunities to close our hearts, our yoga practice can be the perfect opportunity to open it back up. Work on strengthening the life force that lives in the bright center of the heart by moving through poses that challenge you to stay open and shine.