Yoga Every Day
Season 1 . 20 Episodes

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. With over 400, complete, 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

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S1:Ep1, Set an Intention for Your Day (FREE)
Episode 1
15 mins
Enjoy a simple practice of sun salutations and low lunges to bring your intention into your body. This is great way to anchor yourself and start the day!
Episode 2
17 mins
Build a connection to the Earth as you elevate your mind. Play with a variation of sun salutation and then find tree pose to remember your roots.
Episode 3
17 mins
Step into your power by establishing a strong foundation for your yoga practice in this introduction to breathwork (pranayama). In this seated practice, dive into the soothing and balancing effects of ujjayi (victorious breath) and nadi shodhana (alternate nostril) breathing. Close with a lovely savasana.
Episode 4
16 mins
Root yourself in your own strength in this practice including a sequence to help maintain your foundation - even through the bumps of life!
Episode 5
15 mins
A gentle grounding sequence to find your strong foundation. Begin with a chant to invite the intention of going inward to find your center. Then move through forward folds, side body stretches, and heart opening movements. Come to your seat to open the backline of your legs and low back before closing with a luxurious savasana.
Episode 6
15 mins
A simple practice of just a few poses. This class is specifically designed to open, stretch, and awaken healthy feet, knees and ankles.
Episode 7
17 mins
Say hello to your quads, hamstrings, and hips in this practice. Explore a variety of deep hamstring stretches, hip openers and quad stretches - areas in the body that often carry a lot of tension - so that they may release.
Episode 8
15 mins
Create space in the body for your breath. Move through nourishing side-body stretches then close in a three-part breath work (viloma pranayama) practice.
Episode 9
17 mins
Strengthen and twist your way to a happy spine. Experience standing and supine twists, moving into the entire range of motion for the spine.
Episode 10
16 mins
Explore poses to ease neck and shoulder pain caused by hunching over technology. Release and realign the posture of the neck and shoulders through seated and reclined stretches.
Episode 11
17 mins
Begin stepping into the flow of your life. Focus is on the element of water and feel the ease that comes to your practice as you flow along with the current of your breath.
Episode 12
16 mins
Find the cruise control of your breath with this continuous flow. Allow the breath to relax you into the poses on your way through yoga-ville to savasana-land.
Episode 13
17 mins
This practice is a dedication to pranayama (breath). Explore victorious breath (ujjayi) as well as alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodhana) to allow your body to learn something new from these powerful breaths.
Episode 14
17 mins
Bring peace to your flow and experience the importance of engaging breath to movement as you transition from posture to posture to stay in the moment.
Episode 15
17 mins
Begin with a chant to the divine feminine, followed by poses to open your hips and hamstrings. Contemplate when you can use effort and when to find more ease throughout the practice.
Episode 16
16 mins
Let yourself settle into the ground and find calm in this practice of floor poses.
Episode 17
15 mins
Release the rigidity of alignment and instead find fluidity with a breath-to-movement practice. The sequence moves quickly but is gentle and easy to follow.
Episode 18
16 mins
Need a mid-week kick to keep up with the flow of life? This sequence can increase energy and explores postures such as camel (ustrasana) and skull shining breath (kabalabhati).
Episode 19
15 mins
Become one with your balance to help get clarity of the mind to keep up with life. Explore a variety of standing balancing postures and then bring the practice to close with alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodana) to calm the nervous system.
Episode 20
17 mins
Play with the dynamics of being simultaneously connected to the Earth and brilliantly lifted as you move through a series of lunging poses.