Yoga Every Day
Season 3 . 24 Episodes TV-G

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. With over 400, complete, 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

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Focus and Observation (Preview)

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. With over 400, complete, 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

Not sure where to start? Yoga is a journey! We recommend trying a few teachers and focuses so you can begin to build a playlist of familiar practices and discover the instruction style that works for you.

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Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
18 mins TV-G
In this focused and intentional sequence, begin with a short seated meditation followed by a slow and mindful whole body flow allowing us to stay aware throughout the practice. Recognize the spaces in between the breaths, the gap between the thoughts.
13 mins TV-G
Release the stories of who we think we are. Use intention-setting as a reminder to lay down old narratives of ourselves and drop into just being, remembering we are a part of something much bigger.
15 mins TV-G
Flow through this mandala practice, opening the hips and dropping into the breath moment by moment. Expand your awareness beyond the perceived limitations of your body.
17 mins TV-G
A seated deep hip opening practice including shambhavi mudra (third-eye gaze), breath, intention, and meditation to bring awareness to the deeper wisdom of the body and the heart.
17 mins TV-G
Elevate your state of being with this garuda (eagle) mudra (hand gesture) practice. Invite in an intention of self love as you gently recirculate energy throughout your body in this practice.
20 mins TV-G
Create a container of concentration (dharana). Through a series of lunges, forward bends, backbends, and breath work, allow the practice to become a moving meditation, training our often scattered minds to be held steadfast and improving our ability to focus.
17 mins TV-G
Work on taking the seat of the witness by using hamstring stretches, such as wide-leg forward fold (prasarita) and twists. Allow observation of “what is” without judgment or attachment to a theory or a story.
17 mins TV-G
Practice some challenging balancing poses as you reflect on your inner experience.
20 mins TV-G
Practice balance, build strength, and open your heart with poses like half moon (ardha chandrasana) and half frog (ardha bhekasana). This practice will help to digest and assimilate newfound insights that have been accumulated through the study of self-inquiry into the body and the mind.
18 mins TV-G
Apply your integrated inner awareness into the outer world. This whole body sequence encourages us to expand out while keeping our internal connection.
14 mins TV-G
What motivates you to come back to your mat? How do we find the discipline necessary to keep practicing? Explore these questions with a core-strengthening sequence using challenging holds in plank pose and ujjayi pranayam (breath of victory) to help focus and endurance.
16 mins TV-G
This slow, nourishing practice is a heart-opening flow that asks us to move through resistance, create space, and feel how forgiveness can soften and open the heart. Identify someone to dedicate this practice to, from a place of forgiveness.
17 mins TV-G
Most of us have parts of self we haven't made peace with. Use this practice bring compassion and forgiveness to those parts of self as you get an opening on the backs of your legs.
15 mins TV-G
Find the comfort in the discomfort through this centering practice that explores your unshakeable self. Embrace the flow through standing balancing postures such as tree variations, warrior 3, and twists.
14 mins TV-G
Celebrate your spirituality and have fun with it! Test your balance - and your sense of humor - by culminating your practice a linked series of one-legged standing balancing postures.
17 mins TV-G
Focus on poses that physically churn the body to wring out stuck energy and clear out old, un-useful tendencies that tie us down emotionally and clog our inner pathways.
17 mins TV-G
Explore broadening the boundaries of your body and mind so that you can physically feel your ability to stretch into your limitations. Practice a series of poses focusing on opening the hamstrings and working towards hanumanasana (full splits).
16 mins TV-G
Unlock blocks and create space in areas of the body that hold a lot of tension such as the shoulders and hips. Find physical and mental comfort in poses that ask for softness.
15 mins TV-G
Create space and ease within the body with chest- and shoulder-openers. Allow spaciousness through your heart beginning on your back, moving to a short standing series, and then to several belly-down chest openers.
16 mins TV-G
Embody the fruits of eternal commitment to constant renewal. This practice allows us to explore our personal edge and attempt a challenging arm balance while staying curious about where we have come from and where we have yet to go.
17 mins TV-G
Explore the diaphragm and its movement during every inhale and exhale. We will use a 3-part breathing technique and learn how to regulate the breath during this slow flow practice.
15 mins TV-G
Open the sides of your body to increase and explore your breath capacity.
15 mins TV-G
Start with breath of fire to stoke your power center and build some heat in the body. Follow that up with some spinal mobility poses and complete with a cooling breath.
16 mins TV-G
Stimulate your breath in this moon-focused flow class. Use alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodhana) to get grounded in order to open and receive each moment as it unfolds. Travel briskly through standing, hip opening, and core poses.