Yoga Every Day
Season 5 . 19 Episodes TV-G

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. With over 400, complete, 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

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Abundance (Preview)

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. With over 400, complete, 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

Not sure where to start? Yoga is a journey! We recommend trying a few teachers and focuses so you can begin to build a playlist of familiar practices and discover the instruction style that works for you.

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Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
16 mins TV-G
This slow flow is designed to cultivate asteya (non-stealing) by learning to focus on abundance. Remember the abundance that surrounds you, tapping into the richness of your physical and spiritual surroundings through opening your heart and side bodies.
13 mins TV-G
Integrity - the ability to be discerning in all situations - is an important part of the yogic practice of asteya (truth). Practice being honest on your mat, and listening to your body and your breath from a place of trust and intuition to discover how your yoga practice can truly transform your life.
17 mins TV-G
Asteya, or non-stealing, is a principle from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Dive into this idea as you open the front of your legs and chest without force or pushing yourself too hard.
17 mins TV-G
Time and presence are the two most precious, non-renewable resources you have. The practice of asteya (non-stealing) teaches us to not be wasteful or to take something that isn’t ours. Explore standing and balancing postures that bring you to presence.
15 mins TV-G
Cultivate asteya (non-stealing) in your life by OWN-ing who you are in this moment. Cherish your unique self through this sequence with intuitive flowing movements.
16 mins TV-G
Stoke your agni (inner fire) in this invigorating practice. Intensify your fire by beginning with a breathing practice known as kapalabhati (skull shining breath), then move into a series of challenging, heat-building poses.
16 mins TV-G
Begin with a circular moon breath before moving into poses designed to help you expand your physical body, creating an open container in which you can receive each breath. Leave your mat feeling sweetly grounded and calm.
13 mins TV-G
Begin on your back with controlled belly-up core exercises before moving through a balanced practice culminating in crow pose. The word hatha embodies two opposites, the sun and the moon. The practice of yoga is to unite opposites, creating a steady balance, the result of intention and ease. The ability to embody both of these opposite qualities is at the heart of yoga, referenced in the yoga Sutras as “sthira sukham asanam."
15 mins TV-G
Build the foundations to a lifelong practice by understanding the basics of a hatha practice. Move mindfully through essential hatha poses before ending in final relaxation.
16 mins TV-G
Soothe your nervous system with restorative forward folds to move your system into a parasympathetic response by shifting your focus inward.
18 mins TV-G
Get ready to loosen those grumpy outer hips through satisfying hip-opening stretches held for a bit longer for maximum effect. Working into the hips in this way can help you feel more physically and mentally free.
17 mins TV-G
A slow practice to help you open your shoulders and soften your heart.
15 mins TV-G
Work deep into your hips in this restorative practice focused on opening the inner hips, a prime spot for tension to build up in your body. This class will give you plenty of time in each pose, offering physical and emotional space to really begin to open, unblocking stored tension and emotion.
17 mins TV-G
A grounding sequence practiced lying down for the entire class. Move at a slower energ, so you can settle in, then close with legs up the wall.
17 mins TV-G
When it comes to detoxing, most people only think about the physical body, but detoxification of the mind is just as important. By spending time in spinal twists and hip openers, discover physical and mental space, creating room for new beginnings.
13 mins TV-G
Embrace the quality of aparigraha (non-grasping) that enables us to forgive others and move on. Move stuck energy through the chest and hips to find the space you need to say thank you to all of life’s experiences.
15 mins TV-G
The practice of aparigraha (non-possessiveness) is a chance to relax expectations. Explore several balancing poses to practice this quality of releasing expectations about your yoga.
13 mins TV-G
Raise your vibration with this celebratory practice. Cultivate an attitude of positivity on your mat and see the wonderful results it can have in your day-to-day life. Flow through poses designed to work on the energy centers in your shoulders, hips, hamstrings, and heart. Free your energy and let the good times roll!
15 mins TV-G
Align with your heart to feel strong inside and out through poses designed to open your hips and hamstrings while simultaneously building strength in your core.