Yoga Every Day
Season 19 . 20 Episodes TV-G

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. With over 400, complete, 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

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Purify with Pranayama (Preview)

Strengthen your daily routine and find balance with a series of yoga classes designed to bring simplicity to your personal practice and nurture your curiosity. With over 400, complete, 15 and 30-minute classes to choose from, it’s easy to enjoy the benefits of yoga wherever you practice.

Not sure where to start? Yoga is a journey! We recommend trying a few teachers and focuses so you can begin to build a playlist of familiar practices and discover the instruction style that works for you.

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Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
18 mins TV-G
Practice some intense pranayama (breath) combined with postures to help move stagnant energy on every level.
34 mins TV-G
Work with saucha (purification) through cleansing twists and liberating movements in this practice designed to explore your natural lightness of being.
16 mins TV-G
Call in the cleansing power of heart-openers through this study of saucha (cleanliness). We’ll explore how deepening our breath in backbends helps to let the healing energy of the heart flow freely.
17 mins TV-G
Today, we explore Saucha by purifying our bodies and minds through simple but powerful inversions.
32 mins TV-G
Participate in the process of saucha (self-purification) with this dynamic practice created to help restore a feeling of physical and energetic vibrancy. The practice includes standing postures, twists, backbends, jumping jacks, and a deep savasana. That’s right… jumping jacks. Don’t judge. The condition of your body directly affects your state of mind. Physical inertia, stagnancy and tension can suppress your mood and, over time, influence the way you think about yourself and the world around you.
17 mins TV-G
Yoga is not just about self-improvement, it’s also about self-acceptance. Find contentment (santosha) with wherever you are in this practice while rooting in ourselves with standing poses.
32 mins TV-G
To discover contentment (santosha), we must first recognize the gifts and talents that we bring to this world. Take time to express appreciation for the offerings you share with the universe as we deepen into hamstring stretches such as Hanumanasana.
16 mins TV-G
Find contentment (santosha) by celebrating your small and large accomplishments during this practice that will work your hips and shoulders.
15 mins TV-G
Cultivate contentment (santosha) by letting go of your expectations. Learn to release your attachment to the outcome as you try new things in binds and balancing postures.
35 mins TV-G
Focus on approaching the challenge of being at peace with whatever arises. The sequence includes surya namaskar (sun salutations), balancing postures, standing postures, handstand, backbends, and some quieting closing postures. It’s through the process of meeting yourself well in the practice that you hone the subtle yet powerful skill of cultivating contentment out there in the world.
15 mins TV-G
Practice the yogic art of self-reflection by turning your gaze inward as you move mindfully through poses with a deep connection to your breath.
30 mins TV-G
Explore the journey of svadhyaya (self-reflection) in this easeful practice focused on cultivating the witness within.
16 mins TV-G
It’s important to remember that self-reflection is not self-deprecation. In this heart-opening class, learn to let the light of self-study illuminate the areas of your being that you might usually see with darkness.
16 mins TV-G
Svadhyaya (self-reflection) increase our capacity to grow into the best version of ourselves. In this practice, we will open up space in our legs to expand.
35 mins TV-G
Observe your thoughts, feelings, and behavior from an objective perspective is central to the practices of yoga. To study habitual patterns through meditation, contemplation, and the study of ancient texts is what the yoga tradition calls svadhyaya, or ‘self study.’ Join this reflective practice to help explore your own inner terrain. The practice includes moon salutations, longer-held standing postures, seated twists, meditation, and contemplation. Like moonlight reflecting off of a calm lake, so the mind stills and the ever emergent light of the Self can be seen.
17 mins TV-G
Ishvara pranidhana is one of the five niyamas, or yogic principles that guide us in life, and refers to the power of surrender. Explore the ability to be like a tree in the wind, soft yet flexible, so that we bend but do not break. We’ll focus on standing and balancing postures as we surrender into the base of our body.
31 mins TV-G
Practice the art of surrender (ishvara pranidhana) while opening your hamstrings in deep forward folds.
17 mins TV-G
Deepen into the theme of ishvara pranidhana (surrender) with this vibrant practice to create space and mobility within your hips and devotion within your heart.
17 mins TV-G
Explore the power and intelligence of the heart to cultivate a greater capacity to surrender and trust the flow of life.
32 mins TV-G
A down-tempo practice that explores the subtlety of surrender using floor-based postures, hip release techniques, and moving meditation.